Alpha and Omega PT2

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Kong gritted his teeth trying hard not to say anything. He was trying very hard to be a good omega, to not start trouble. Yet here they were gain getting in trouble. All of them. All because someone didn't wai to P'Prem? What sense did that make?

Kong was still too sensitive from his heat to deal with this. He just wanted to curl into a ball and cry. He locked eyes with P'Arthit his alpha. Even though his face was stone, he could see the worry in his eyes. P'Arthit told him to skip today. His heat only ending in the very early hours of the morning. Kong told him no. He didn't want to miss school anymore or hazing. Kong gave a small smile, which only seem to deepen the frown on his alpha face.

"Why do we have to wai you huh? Because you are older?" Kong turned looking at Wad. He was normally very quiet. Keeping to himself. Speaking when spoken too type of person. Kong being the outgoing person he was, befriended him, along with five others the second day of hazing. May, Prae, Maprang, Oak, and Tew.

Aim had admitted the next day that May was his mate. She was an alpha like him. Kong was happy for his best friend. Aim was the silent strong type. He was shyer than an alpha tend to be. When they would hang out in the mall, everyone assumes Kong to be the alpha as he was outgoing, and friendly. They were soon shocked when Kong admitted Aim was the alpha, not him.

"Yes! didn't your mother ever teach you to respect your elders?" P'Prem shouted at Wad. Kong new P'Prem was pissed. He just didn't understand why he would be so pissed over a wai. P'Perm tend to be laid back about almost everything. Kong could see Arthit taken a step forward, even though he knew he needed to stop P'Perm.

"You leave my mother out of this! I only wai those I show respect too! Yo nor any of the other hazers have earned my respect!" Wad shouted back. There was something in Wad tone that had Kong frowning. There was something more going on here than just a simple missed wai.

"You little..." P Prem took a step forward just as P'Arthit placed his hand on Perm shoulder stopping him.

"Enough!" Arthit yelled. "A part of hazing is to teach each of you respect! If you can't even show us your hazer respect how do you plan to show others?!" Arthit looked around at the freshman. "Everyone stand arms around each other! You will do fifty sit and stands!" Kong winced because his body wouldn't be able to handle that! Hell, his body wouldn't be able to handle one!

Arthit walked back to the front. "Kongpob! Front and center!" Kong eyes went wide. He could already feel them filling with tears. He stood up, walking over to his mate, not understand what he did wrong this time. He had sit there being quite, being a good omega!

"Yes P'Arthit?" he asked softly head bowed. He wasn't in the mood for head hazer Arthit right now.

"You are excused from this punishment. Go stand next to Tutah. The rest of you begin!" ong looked at Arthit for a moment before walking over to P'Tutah.

"Are you okay?" Tutah asked softly. Kong shook his head, hands folded over his stomach. Before Kong could answer Arthit walked over standing with his back to the freshman, as if talking with Tutah. He looked at Kong his face going soft.

"I told you to skip today love." Arthit said softly, almost a whisper. He didn't want the other's to overhear him. He kept his hands locked behind his back, fighting the urge to caress his omega cheek.

"Maybe I should, my stomach and back hurt." Kong whispered back. Tutah gave Kong a sympathetic look but said nothing.

"When this is over, go straight to our car. We will stop and get something to eat so you can do nothing but rest at home. Okay love?" Arthit said. Kong just nodded, wishing hazing was over.

It took an hour before hazing was over. Kong has stood next to Tutah counting with his other batch mate as they did fifty stand and sits. He was thrown dirty looks by some of them, but he didn't care. He didn't care what they thought of him actually.

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