Forever Yours

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Kong POV

I watched as my love walked into our room, laying down on our bed. He laid on his side facing the window. I could hear the sniffles, and the soft sobs coming from him, and I felt heartbroken. I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to do. I had no idea how to comfort the man I love. I sit on the floor next to him, legs to my chest blinking back my own tears. I've always hated seeing him cry, Arthit was always a strong person, the person I leaned on the most. So, to see him cry broke my heart even more. We had a fight, two days ago, and I said things I wish I didn't. I told him I hated him. I told him that marrying him was the worse decision of my life. None of it was true, none of it. And now for the last two days I've had to watch as Arthit cries every time he looks at me.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry please baby stop crying, please." I begged, only causing him to sob harder. I closed my eyes as the tears started falling. "I will do anything you ask, I will get on my knees and beg, but please baby stop crying. It's breaking my heart." Arthit didn't respond. I didn't expect him to either. We sat there. The only sound in the whole apartment was Arthit silent sobs. I felt helpless.

Arthit fell asleep crying. His eyes puffy and blood shot. Tear strains on his cheeks. I reached out to wipe the tears away, but quickly withdrew my hand when he sighed.

"Kong..." he said in his sleep rolling over facing the other side.

"I'm here baby, I'm here." I whisper to him gentle.

It's been a week since our fight, and Arthit doesn't get out of bed unless he needs to. He isn't eating, drinking, taken proper care of himself, and its heartbreaking. It's all my fault.

"Please P'Arthit, please get up and eat something, you are going to pass our from lack of food." I beg him, he just cover his head ignoring me. I bit my lip hard. What could I possible do to get him out of bed. "I will order pink milk for you, I won't restrict what how much you drink, but please get out of bed." I say desperately. Arthit finally throws the cover off getting out of bed. I felt happy. He wasn't talking to me, but at least he was listening.

"Stupid bladder. I haven't even drank anything, and I need to pee." He mumbles to himself. The little happiness I had thinking he was listening to me, gone. All I could do is sigh to myself. He has always been stubborn. I walk over to my side of the bed looking at our wedding photo, smiling. Ten years. That is how long we have been together. We meet when I was a freshman, and he was a third year, He was my head hazer.

It wasn't love at first sight by any means, but we slowly fell in love. I fell first, but he fell harder. That is what our friends always say, but I don't' know how true that is. I think we both fell just as hard as time went on.

We have only been married two years, deciding to get married on our eighth anniversary. P'Arthit said why have a second anniversary date? We could just do it on the same day. I didn't care when we got married, as long as we did. Since Thailand doesn't allow gay marriage, we flew to England. It was a small ceremony, our friends and family only. We took a month off and traveled around Europe for our honeymoon. I had never seen my P'Arthit so relaxed.

Of course, we had our ups and downs during the last ten years. We had our fights, and I would always leave but came back after a few hours. Our number one rule was to never go to bed angry, and we always followed that rule, except for this last night. This last night, I wasn't sure if we would be making up.

I was brought out of my thoughts when a loud thud sounded, from the bathroom. I rushed in to see P'Arthit laying on the floor.



I sat next to Arthit as he lays in the hospital bed. This was all my fault. I should have forced him to eat, I should have forced him to drink something. The human body can only last so long without food and water.

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