Work, Life, Balance

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Arthit-31 CEO of KSE, and Kong husband

Kong-29 secretary to the CEO of KSE, Arthit husband.

Kong checked his watch for the tenth time. It was Wednesday and it was only 7:30 a.m. but he knew his husband. He would want to sleep till eight, then yell and curse that he was going to be late. Kong had started to wake him up at 7, but he always begged for five more minutes. Today was not the day for Arthit to sleep in, so Kong decided to wake him up now.

He walked into their bedroom looking at the sleeping form on the bed. Arthit was laying on his back, head facing the still closed window. One arm tucked under the pillow, the other bent as if Kong as still laying there, curled against him. Kong smiled to himself, walking over to the bed.

"P'Arthit, you have to get up. You're going to be late" Kong said shaking Arhit shoulder gentle. Arthit groans loudly, rolling away, burring his face in the pillow. Giving Kong his back.

"Just five more minutes" Arhit asked. His voice full of sleep. Kong chuckled shacking his head. He climbed onto the bed gentle. He lower his head blowing into Arthit sensitive ears. Arthit quickly covered his ear, opening his eyes glaring at Kong.

"Kong! What did you do that for?!" Arthit yelled. Kong gave Arthit a charming innocent smile, tilting his head to the side.

"What happen P'Arthit?" Kong asked innocently. Arthit took a deep sigh, shacking his head, he was unable to stay mad at the younger.

"Nothing." Arthit stretched yawning "What time is it?" He asked running his hand through his hair. Kong stared at him, hypnotized. His husband was so handsome. He had raven black hair, hazel eyes, pale white skin. Arthit body was bulky but not with fat. It was all muscle. His abs were something to drool about.

When there was no response, Arthit looked at his husband and smirked. He loved when his husband stared at him. It always turned him on and feel wanted. Arthit snapped his fingers in front of Kong face, getting his attention.

"What?" Kong asked shacking his head. "Oh...It's almost eight." Kong said blushing. Arthit smirked again, leaning over and planting a kiss on Kong lips. Kong gave a soft sigh, smiling into the kiss. Although he wanted to linger, and his mind has already wondered into very dark, very horny territory, Kong was the first to pull away.

"You are going to be late, if you don't get up now." Kong says softly laying his head on Arthit shoulder gentle. Arthit wrapped his arms around his baby, not willing to move. They had not been able to spend much time together, since Arthit has been working like crazy the last month.

Arthit let out a loud sigh, pulling away, before climbing around Kong to get out of bed. "Let me get take a shower then." Kong nodded watching Arthit naked body heading to the shower.

"Your clothes are already prepared for the day." Arthit turned back smiling, at Kong before shutting the bathroom door.

Kong took a deep breath, before leaving the bedroom. He had things to finish, before leaving for work himself.


Kong arrived to work early, like always. He wasn't schedule to arrive till 8:30 a.m. yet arrived at 8:15 a.m. like always. He always believed that if you were early you were on time, and if you were on time you were late. One of the many reason he always lied to his husband and woke him up earlier than he would like. Plus, Kong always took into account unforeseen issues. Like traffic, rain, the car breaking down etc. He always had this fear, this anxiety of being late since he was in elementary school.

As soon as Kong arrived he got everything he need for the day loaded up on the computer. He has his bosses schedule for the day loaded and started printing off his first morning meeting presentation. He opened the mini fridge he had under his desk, grabbing out a bottle of pink milk, before grabbing his tablet, and heading to the elevator.

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