The Bet Pt. 4

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Kong giggled as he looked at his phone. His friends looking at him strangely. They have notice a change in Kong over the last three weeks. He was happier, he laughed and smiled more. He also seem to be busier. Any time they asked him out he would always say he couldn't. Which wasn't so unusual. His por was very overprotected and riley allowed Kong to go with them, but this just seem, different.

"What is so funny?" Aim asked as he tried to look at Kong phone. Kong quickly pulled his phone away putting it in his pocket.

"Nothing." He said, standing up. "I have a meeting with the dean, I will see you all in class" He said gathering his things before leaving. All his friends watched him leave then looked at each other.

"He is hiding something from us." Oak says. "Should we tell his father?"

"No. We should let this play out. See what happens." Aim says.

"What if he is in danger, or has gotten tangled up with the wrong crowd? His por will have all our heads." Tew shivered before wrapping his arms around himself.

"I don't think its anything like that. He has so much happier." Aim tapped the table.

"You think he is dating someone?" May asked watching Aim nod.

"That is the only thing I can think of. You seen his phone? It's not is normal phone. The case is different. It's also the latest model. Which Kong doesn't have." Maprang, and May squealed in giggled, Prae looked at Aim with a wide grin on her face.

"So, his lover, brought him a phone, so they could text without being caught by his por? That means Kong told his lover about his por checking his phone. Kong had already opened up to his lover. Which mean Kong trust his lover a lot." Prae says wiggling her brows. Aim frowned. There is no way Prae is right. This change in Kong as only happen over the last three weeks. Is it possible its been longer than that? He really needed Kong to tell him the truth.

Arthit and Kong sat on a blanket under the shadiest tree they could find. Kong sat between Arthit legs, his back leaning against Arthit chest. Arthit had his arms wrapped around Kong middle, and the younger man was playing with the gear Arthit wore on his wrist.

Arthit had found a little cove his freshman year, behind the science facility. There were rows of tree and a few benches. It was peaceful and private. He didn't think anyone ever came here. At least they never did while he was here. It was the place he would always go when he need or wanted to be alone. He never told his friends about this place, and he had surprised himself when he brought Kong here two weeks ago.

"Then Tut decided he wouldn't be the only one covered in food and decided to dump Brights food on his head. The kicker, Bright order Tom Yum" Arthit said, making Kong laugh hard. Arthit had his arms around the younger man, holding him closer to his chest. Arthit smiled as he looked down at Kong, his heart racing, at the sound of Kong laugh.

Everything started going smoothly, it was like every other time he played with someone. Kong was opening up more, he was spending more time with Arthit. Arthit knew that the Kong would tell him he loved him any day, and the bet would be over. Arthit would drop Kong and demand his phone back, and for Kong to never contact Arthit again. He already lost the bet, but he didn't care. He would show the video evidence and pay up.

After a week, Arthit realize he didn't like this game anymore. He realize his feelings for the younger man had changed. The more he got to know Kong the more he knew this was all wrong.

Kong was a sweetheart. He cared about his father, brothers, and friends. He always put everyone before himself. He didn't like flashy things. He like simple down to earth things. He was happier getting a stuffed turtle from a claw game then he was getting a diamond bracelet. He would rather eat at noodle stalls then in a fancy restaurant. He was a social butterfly, but like indoor dates. He liked his privacy and only allowed a few people in.

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