LCK: L 💙 S (BRO) ✨

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Plot: Luhan really likes his Seonghyeon-hyung even if he thinks the older won't like him back.
Pairing/s: Luhan (Top) x Seonghyeon (Jungler)
Genre: Fluff/Crack

OK BRO are not really in the best spot right now, they really want to make it to the playoffs but their scoreline needs to improve a lot, but that doesn't stop the members from enjoying themselves and being their natural entertaining self.

Luhan is peacefully sitting on his bed, playing with his phone when Seonghyeon enters. The two don't say anything to each other but a smile can be seen on Luhan's face when he noticed the older boy...

But then lost that smile when he realized that the older might not return his feelings. Even if it looked like it's mutual, Luhan doesn't really feel it.

The toplaner will admit, he was pretty upset when Seonghyeon left the team before, and got more upset when he saw the rumors that the older will join TSM, a North American team, meaning he will be so far away from Luhan.

Then Christmas came and he came back but Luhan had to at least pretend to be happy... even if he was still upset with him leaving before, he smiled because he chose to came back.

"I realized, I couldn't leave you for long"

Until now Luhan still thinks about what that statement means...

Seonghyeon can't like him back... can he? But Luhan thinks that the jungler only does skinship with him for the fans satisfaction.

Yeah, for the fans... not for Luhan. And he upset himself again by having these thoughts flood his brain.

It was snack time and their coach bought them a decent array of snacks and like usual, Luhan is there first and was a little surprised, but thankful, that Seonghyeon sat next to him.

The younger was mesmerized by every move the older did, while he was eating the chips he opened and saw the older open a bottle of cola but placed it in front of him.

"Huh?", Luhan lowly muttered.

"That's yours, I know how much you like that soda and since you're eating, I opened it for you", Seonghyeon said, a smile spread on his face.

"Thank you hyung", Luhan shyly said as he tried hiding his very blushy face.

For the remaining hours on their day, the two spent it on the living room, but it was quiet and Jeunghwan watched them in disbelief knowing the situation of the two and wanted to scream how they were "cowards!" but he felt an arm on his shoulder which showed Sangho shaking his head.

"They'll come to their own", He mouthed.

The botlaner sighed and left... He must plan something because he's tired of the two being oblivious mothertruckers, and he's aware that Luhan is most likely overthinking about the older's actions to him.

So he wrote L 💙 S on the team whiteboard...

Big enough to be seen by everyone.

Everyone was caught off guard when they heard their coach laughing like maniac and actually got concerned.

"Okay, funny joke... Which one of you wrote this?", He asked, pointing at the massive L 💙 S on the board.

Luhan blushed quickly and Seonghyeon also started laughing.

"Was this you Hongjo?", He asked the midlaner.

Hongjo laughed but shook his head,
"It might be you hyung! Mr. Scared to make the first move, you absolute unit of a bastard", he said, which Seonghyeon took offense to and playfully hit the younger.

In the end, Jeunghwan didn't admit to it, so the culprit was never caught, but their coach didn't even erase it since he found it hilarious.

So the massive L 💙 S might remain on the whiteboard for a while.

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