LJL: My dad is a what now?? (DFM + SHG)

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Plot: Shunsuke adopts Gaeul... Gaeul gets upset.
Pairing/s: Shunsuke (SHG Top) x Gaeul (DFM Mid) This ship will be platonic
Genre: Crack

"Can't believe the old guy actually joined SHG", Geonyeong laughed, Yuta then laughing with him.

"Dude, the shrimp is older than you by only 3 years... Why keep calling him old?", Jiyoong said.

"Well I'm only a year older than you and you still call me old", Gaeul told Jiyoong, which the younger just scoffed at him.

It was a few minutes before lunch time and suddenly a series of knocks interrupted the "mature" conversation, they were having.

Yuta was the one who opened the door and when he did, it was a group of guys all bigger than him and just let themselves in without even telling who they were.

"Hey hey! Who are you guys?!", Yuta then asked, blocking their way, but unfortunately for him, they just shoved him away.

The guys then went inside the kitchen and found Gaeul who was cooking. One of them pulled out their phone to check something and he confirmed it...

They took him.




"Try to involve the police here and your friend right here... Will lose his pretty head", the one holding Gaeul said.

Gaeul was shoved at the back of the car and was clearly upset.

"Your dad told us to pick you up", the guy who sat next to him said.

"Yeah great job, my dad is in Korea dipshit", He answered, crossing his arms.

The guy did not like his answer and punched him, making him pass out.

"Hey asshole! Didn't boss say no marks!"

"You're so getting fired bro!"

When they arrived, Shunsuke was already waiting outside for them and when he saw the big bruise on Gaeul's left cheek, he sighed and asked who did it...

The other two guys have no problem pointing on the guy who was sat next to Gaeul, and as expected, Shunsuke fired him.

"Can't even follow basic instructions! I told y'all not to hurt him and now you bring him to me with a bruise on the cheek!!", He shouted.

"But boss! He was being aggressive", The guy reasoned out.

"He's always aggressive!!", Shunsuke told him and rolled his eyes.

Gaeul woke up in an unfamiliar room then suddenly felt the pain from his cheeks.

He then decided to sit up and was about to lose himself in a trance when someone barged into the room he's staying.

"What the fuck", He muttered.

"Ah, you're awake!"

"Lord, if this is a dream please wake me up", Gaeul muttered again.

"The boss would want to see you now"

Gaeul just tilted his head to the side and the questioning look never left his face.

Gaeul went with the guy and was led to a big room and he feels like he's in some sort of nightmare because until know he still hasn't processed why he was here in the first place...

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