LCK: Ride the waves (KDF)

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Plot: The KDF members are babysitters for this day and brought the kids to the beach.
Pairing/s: Youngjae (Jungler) x Sejun (Support)
Genre: Fluff/Crack

Gakuen Babysitters AU//

The team is underperforming and their coach is pissed off, they tried to grind in soloqueue as well but nothing came off it, they just feel so off, like all the desire to make it to playoffs was sucked out of their systems...

And they can't really blame their coach for it.

Dongju's phone then rang after a defeating game he just had.

"Hey mom, what's up"

And Dongju suddenly got confused when his mother told him that he'll have to babysit his little niece, Woomin, along with her friends today because something important came up for her, and he doesn't know how to say no so he agreed.

While he was on a call he was aware that his members were listening to their conversation and he, actually took them down with him and told his mom that they were happy to help him...

Which they weren't because Dongju felt Youngjae's glare from the other side of the room when the younger came back with a soda in his hand and heard what the toplaner said.

When the call was finished he looked towards his members and smiled,
"It's gonna be fun guys don't worry", He said.

"Yeah, so you better drive hyung!", Taeyoon said and they were all out of the gaming house.

The team decided to bring the kids to the beach along with their parents who were kind enough to help look after the children despite needing to leave later.

They all changed into their bathing attire and decided to take a dip on the water, until...


Some of the kids began to cry.

Not everyone could get their freedom, well not Sejun...

He was holding Seyeol and the kid grew close to him, not wanting Sejun to go away, but when the kids began to cry, Seyeol also began to cry, but thanks to big bro Sejun, he calmed down quickly.

"See, you're fine Seyeol-ah~", Sejun softly said and smiled at the child.

Youngjae was a bit upset that no kid wanted to go near him but at least he had his freedom... even if he wanted to hold one or be close to one.

"I'm hopeless", He thought to himself.

"Hey hyung, everything good?", Taeyoung asked, noticing the melancholic look of the jungler.

"Oh... Yeah, all good, though I'm a bit hungry", He said, and giggled.

They then agreed to have a snack break and Youngjae, after losing to rock-paper-scissors had to buy for everyone, but Sejun was chad enough to go with him, bringing Seyeol of course.

"I-I want f-fries"

"What do you want Seongyoonnie?"


"Go tell Youngjae-hyung over there, what you want"

Seongyoon is not good at having conversations nor even talking to people so when he went over to Youngjae and Sejun, it felt like a mission to him.

He tugged on his shorts to get his attention but words didn't want to come out of his mouth.

"S-sorry", He suddenly said and when he was about to cry, Youngjae carried him and smiled.

"It's okay buddy, you can point to me what you want", the jungler said and when they got to the counter, Seongyoon did just what the older boy told him too.

"Good job buddy", Youngjae smiled and gave him a high-five after non-verbally communicating to the older what he wanted.

Seongyoon smiled as well and when Youngjae was about to put him down, he shook his head and clung to him.

Youngjae and Sejun then brought everything to their area and they began to eat and when everyone was finished the trash was thrown in the proper bins and the children fell asleep.

"You guys can go in the water now, they're asleep", Hwayoung's mom said, and the boys did just that.

Taeyoung and Gwanbin then challenged each other on who can breathe underwater for the longest time and Taeyoon was timing for the two.

Meanwhile Youngjae decided to collect shells he found underwater and Sejun was peacefully sleeping until...

"WAHHHH!! Sejunnie-hyung! WAHHHH!!"

And Sejun never swam so quickly in his life.

When he got back to shore, Youngjae was behind him and saw how upset Seyeol was.

"Sorry", Youngjae heard the older mutter.

"Damn not only is he handsome but he's good with children too", He told himself.

"Hmm??", Sejun hummed as he looked at him.

"What??", Youngjae asked.

"Did you say something?", The older asked, Youngjae decided to lie and shake his head.

"But I swear I heard you call me handsome", Sejun thought to himself.

The kids are now awake again after Seyeol's tantrum after waking up without Sejun by his side, so Taeyoung and Taeyoon kept them busy by making Sandcastles with them...

While Woomin's uncle Dongju remains unbothered and still managed to sleep through all the chaos.

"Uncle! Uncle wake up!", Woomin said loudly, shaking her uncle awake, but Dongju just won't wake up.

"Wow look at the perpetrator, he's peacefully asleep why don't I just-"

And Gwanbin didn't even get to finish his sentence when Taeyoung threw water over the sleeping toplaner.

What a peaceful day today has turned out for Kwangdong Freecs...

"Guys we are so fucked!", Taeyoon said laughing.

They all looked at him and he showed his phone...

It was an angry text from their coach.

Well, it's surf's up for Kwangdong, time to deal with an angry Coach Daeho, this wave is gonna be a big one to ride.

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