LPL: Hello Neighbors (WBG) ✨

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Plot: There's a new family that moved in next to Qingsong and Y/N's home and the siblings swore the house next door is haunted.
Pairing/s: N/A
Genre: Thriller

"Wait, somebody actually bought that house?!", Y/N said, disbelief lacing her voice.

"Well yeah, they're actually planning to renovate the whole thing but for that to effectively happen, the buyer thought that him and his family should live in it for a whole week", Their mom explained.

"But that house has been abandoned for 15 years already!!", Qingsong reasoned.

His mom just shrugged as she served them dinner.

The siblings shared one room and since they're adults already, their parents didn't bother checking on them anymore if they were asleep or not.

"What do you see gege?", Y/N asked.

"The light is flickering, I just saw the wife turn it on... but it is as I mentioned, flickering", Qingsong answered them.

Y/N sat back on their bed and wondered if the seller told the buyer about the history of the house.

"I call dibs on the seller NOT telling them the history of the house", The older said as he lowered the blinds a little bit so he won't get caught spying on his binoculars.

"I mean it might run potential buyers off, but it's just wrong not to tell how the old family who lived there before just mysteriously disappeared", Y/N said, laying down on the bed and letting out a sigh.

The next day their parents were out to go to a reunion party and luckily enough the neighbors left too.

"Want to go explore the house... we might be the one to solve what happened 15 years ago", Qingsong proposed.

"Dude, we're gonna get charged with trespassing on private property... but yeah let's go explore the house", Y/N said, and also mentioned that if they do figure it out, they would just send a letter to the police station anonymously.

The two were now infront of the house and climbed towards the second floor window, Y/N arrived first and turned on the lights and they then went down to the ground floor and found that the fireplace was blocked...

Which they found weird.

"That's very suspicious", Qingsong said, Y/N looked at him and nodded their head.

"Why would it be blocked... if nothing is wrong with it?", Qingsong added.

The two then decided to go at the backyard and found a weird shed that looks like it's connected to the house.

They then went closer and started smelling something foul.

"If there's a dead body inside that shit, they're gonna have a field day when they start renovations", Y/N said.

Qingsong then heard footsteps nearing them and was quick enough to hop over the fence towards the back.

Y/N rose a bit to be able to see what was going on and what they saw shocked them both.

"Take Millard's body away from there, I've waited 15 years to be able to afford this house that I should've won when we were 43 years old and were such good friends... Sorry buddy, but you were so dumb that this whole thing was obviously coming to you but you didn't see it"

"What the fuck?", Qingsong whispered and Y/N shushed him and Qingsong saw that they were recording the whole conversation.

"Let's get out of here!", Qingsong whisper-shouted to Y/N after their neighbor left.

They were now back inside their house safe and sound and Y/N took out a burner phone which Qingsong found in the basement before and hope it'd still work...

And to their luck, it did.

"Okay! Time to send this to the police department... and hopefully be able to sleep peacefully after all the shit that has happened", Y/N said.

Qingsong woke up first and was hearing a lot of talking outside and when he took a peak from his window, it was the police and they were arresting his neighbor...

but then he saw two policemen knock on the door of his own house.

"Shit", He thought, but went to answer the door anyways.

"Hello, is there a Liu Haoran who lives here?", One of the policemen asked.

"You nailed the pronounciation mate! And yes, he's our father, why?", Y/N asked, shocking him a little as they appeared suddenly.

"Well, he's being arrested... For the murder of the whole Jones' family", The policemen explained.

Qingsong and Y/N looked at each other and disbelief and shook their heads.

"There's no way, he's not an accomplice! I still remember the day that they disappeared... Our father was here!", Qingsong said.

The policemen then pointed to their new neighbor who told them that their father was indeed an accomplice.

"Our father doesn't even know that filthy prick!", Y/N angrily told them, and Haoran suddenly was behind his children.

"It's okay, I'll handle this, am I only eligible for interview? I can tell you my whole side", Haoran told the officers.

"Yes sir", The policemen said.

"We're coming too!", the siblings then said in unison and there was no stopping them.

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