LJL: Most Valuable Players (DFM)

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Plot: There are 3 MVP's in DFM... Yuta, Y/N, and Coach Hiko.
Pairing/s: Yuta (Bot) x Reader
Genre: Fluff/Crack

"Okay boys! Time to slay!"


Haruhiko looked at the players like they were his children, sure most of them are little shits to him most of the time, but he loves them to bits...

And he knows they do too when they started to become gentle on him after he became the coach.

The boys were super pumped after winning against both V3 and SG, with the 2-0 record, and Yutapon was definitely cooking in the toplane.

"Hey", Y/N greeted, putting Yuta's tumbler beside his monitor.

"Hey love", Yuta smiled and they garnered the attention of the rest of the members.

"What about us Y/N??", Gaeul cutely asked with a pout.

"Hello to you guys as well, especially my favorite child", Y/N smiled, giving Gaeul a pat on the back.

While the team was practicing drafts for playoffs, Y/N just sat peacefully in the gaming room and watched as the boys get excited after a win.

Y/N and Yuta have been dating since 2019 and has generally accepted the other members as their children and they go to "parent" mode when one of them gets hurt.

"Great job guys!", Haruhiko beamed, giving all of them high-fives.

"Great job as well with the drafts, coach", Y/N told him and Haruhiko just gave them a warm smile.

When Yuta first introduced Y/N to the team, that was before Gaeul, Jiyoong, and Ryo were introduced, his members were a little skeptical, thinking Y/N would distract Yuta off his duties...

But when the kids came, they just loved Y/N and saw them as a parental figure.

So Y/N is well-loved by everyone, not just their boyfriend Yuta.

"Y/N... I need help"

Y/N almost cried from cuteness after hearing Ryo's tiny voice asking for their help.

"Sure honey, what do you need help for?", They asked.

"This is a little embarrassing, and I've never asked anyone this before... but can you cuddle me? I'm having troubles sleeping", The younger admitted. Y/N gave the young botlaner a smile and led him to his room and cuddled with him until he fell asleep.

Haruhiko was just feeling positive energy all-around and has a very good feeling about playoffs, with Y/N here to cheer up the members they can't go wrong.

"Hey love!", Yuta greeted Y/N, seeing them on the couch.

"Morning to you as well darling", Y/N smiled and Yuta gave them a "wtf" look after they opened the lights to see a sleeping koala named Lee Jiyoong on
Y/N's lap.

"So they're officially your children", The older giggled.

Y/N giggled as well and nodded their head,
"Of course, most of them are far away from their parents, someone's gotta step up".

And Yuta swore he could kneel right now and ask Y/N to marry him.

Playoffs isn't until the 22nd of July so the players are really using their time to practice some more and Y/N and Coach Haruhiko cheering them on.

Like usual, Y/N has this grin on their face every time they see the players happy but when they turn to see the love of their life they smile even bigger and just melt.

Yuta may be seen most of the time as the grandpa of the team, but Y/N will be damned if they say that Yuta doesn't care for the members as much as they do, because he does.

Yuta is aware of the age difference and wants to make sure that the kids are comfortable around him.

Talk about having three MVP's in one team and one doesn't even play League.

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