LCK: Take me to the past (HLE) ✨

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Plot: Y/N have never seen their mother since she died when they were born... So Seonghoon the Antiquarian that Y/N had a hunch that he's not from this world, helps them meet their mother.
Pairing/s: Seonghoon (Top) x reader
Genre: Crack

Fantasy AU//

Y/N arrived at the museum by themselves and are equipped with a camera, a small bag, and the map of the museum so they won't get lost.

When they got to the area filled with all sorts of knick knacks and old inventions they saw a man in a blue coat, they don't look like they work here because the museum staff's uniforms were white in color and none of them wore coats.

The man was explaining what objects were found in the room they're in, their purpose and how they work, and that's when Y/N saw a museum staff behind the man.

The crowd grew by the minute and at this point Y/N thought that this man was a well known person who came here today to teach about museum artifacts...

And they were right.

"Damn he's more attractive in person"

"Too bad he already has a girlfriend, I'm so jealous of her"

"Hwang Seonghoon is so professional huhu, I can't help but fall even more for him"

Y/N heard all of those and felt like they were out of the loop,
"So this man is well-known but I don't know who he is... Well done Y/N you didn't read the special guests part in the museum website didn't you!", They thought to themself as the crowd grew.

After Seonghoon was finished, everyone clapped for him and he was gone...

But Y/N still wanted to ask more questions so he went to find him again but with how big the museum is, it's probably gonna take them hours, but then they remembered that Seonghoon is well-known so they followed the crowd.

They found Seonghoon in front of one of the paintings signing fanarts and other things fans brought for him.

"Damn, he's as loved as a kpop idol", Y/N thought again.

They sat at a bench waiting for the fansigning to end... Which it did after 2 hours.

"Hey you!"

Y/N looked up from their phone to see Seonghoon stood infront of them.

"Come with me"

Y/N looked at him questioningly and shook their head,
"You want to have an issue or something?? Look I don't know who you are or what you do but mate I don't want to get killed by your fans", They said, and Seonghoon started laughing.

"They won't see us I promise, I just really need to show you something", He said and held out a hand, Y/N sighed and took it...

But they weren't expecting to teleport to where Seonghoon wanted to take them.

"So your name is Y/N, you were born in *your birthday*, zodiac sign is *your zodiac sign*, and you are here to learn about the past or more specifically if there's a way to get back to the past because you never met your mother since she passed away when you were born, correct?"

Y/N felt their jaw drop as they stared at Seonghoon like they just got violated.

"How the fuck did you know that?!", They asked, still shocked at the fact that Seonghoon knows them but they don't know Seonghoon.

The boy just gave them a smile and showed them a stone plate with Y/N's information.

"And since you want to know about me. Hi! I'm Hwang Seonghoon, and I work as an Antiquarian. If you don't know what that means-"

"I know what an Antiquarian is mate, no need to explain", Y/N interrupted as they continued to look at the stone plate.

"You just didn't look like one to me, I thought you were a Professor not an Antiquarian", They added.

Seonghoon then held his hand out again but Y/N wasn't paying attention so he grabbed their hands himself...

And off they go, much to Y/N's dismay as they got very dizzy after that.

"Can I get a warning next time?", They asked, glaring at Seonghoon.

The other just shook his head and laughed, Y/N then giving them a very judgmental look.

"You ain't human are you?", They asked again.

Seonghoon shook his head,
"I'm half-human, but none of those for now, look where we are!!".

Y/N then looked around and saw that they were indeed in the past.

"Look over there!!", Seonghoon told them, they were hesitant at first but did look a few seconds later.

Y/N saw a beautiful lady with soft features and a great healthy figure as
Y/N noticed that she had prominent muscles...

Man is Y/N jealous.

"Go on then, talk to her", Seonghoon encouraged them.

Y/N made their way towards their mother and since this was the past, they know they shouldn't mention that they're her children or else they'd make a fool of themself because they weren't born yet.

"Hi!", They greeted.

Their mother looked at them and greeted them back, but it was followed by a "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

"You do, in the future", Y/N wanted to say but stuck to the "No, but sorry to bother, may I ask what you're going to order? You look like you've been here a lot and I'm struggling to choose", they said.

She smiled at them and pointed where her order is on the menu, and Y/N thanked her. She then offered to order hers as well and was nice enough to pay for it.

"Here you go... I'm sorry, but I haven't asked you your name yet", She then said.

"Oh it's Y/N!", They happily said and saw the satisfied face on their mother.

"Really?? I love that name! In fact I was saving it for my future child", She beamed.

"I am your future child", Y/N thought and thanked her once more before heading back to where Seonghoon is.

"So, how'd it go??", Seonghoon asked, curious about Y/N's results.

"It went so well that I want to break down in front of her after I introduced myself and she told me that she was saving the name that I had for her future child when I am that child", Y/N said as they sipped their drink trying not to cry.

"Did she pay for that?", The Antiquarian asked.

"Yeah, yeah she did", Y/N replied, hot tears then started falling from their eyes.

"Oh okay... You want to go back to the present now?", Seonghoon asked again, Y/N nodded and it was a quick jump.

Once back Y/N sat at the nearest bench they could find and let it all out, and the Antiquarian was nice enough to comfort them and give them a hug.

"I-is there a way where I could change the past?", Y/N asked him.

"Yeah, but knowing your mother's cause of death, if you change the past, you wouldn't even be here right now... and hearing your story earlier she seems to really want a child, and that child is you, are you sure you don't want to exist right now just so she'll be alive??", Seonghoon told her.

Y/N had a crisis again and shook their head,
"If only there was a way where we both could exist in the same timeline you know", They sadly muttered and Seonghoon just rubbed circles in their back knowing they can't help with that because the magic it takes to save Y/N's mother is far more advanced than Seonghoon is able to do...


"I know a guy, powerful enough to do just that", He said, which made Y/N beam.

"Can we go to whoever it is? Like right now?", Y/N asked.

Seonghoon shook their head,
"You need to wait, they have a schedule, I'll come pick you up when they're free okay", he said with a smile.

Y/N nodded their head, thanked Seonghoon, and went home with their heart in their throat.

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