LCK: Without anyone knowing (T1)

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Plot: Wooje decides to let go of a painful memory with the help of his teammates and newly found friends.
Pairing/s: Wooje (Top) x everyone
Genre: Light Angst/Fluff

Stray Kids's song AU (DLC)//

"Ahh so she decided that she'd be better off with broken bones... Okay, I'll give it to her"

"Hyunjoon-ah sit down, no one is breaking anybody's bones today, I'm not in the mood to pay for someone's hospital bills", Sanghyeok said as he reached the sleeves of the obviously pissed jungler.

Hyunjoon sat down with a groan and decided that listening to music is better than thinking he'll break the bones of Wooje's now ex-gf.

That he previously approved of because she didn't seem like the type to cheat...

He was obviously wrong.

"You want to go hang out somewhere??", Minhyeong asked the youngest.

"I would, but I don't know where... I just want to forget about this for a moment", Wooje answered.

"Does the mall sound good to you? We can go watch a movie", Minseok recommended.

Wooje smiled at that and nodded his head and soon enough everyone was in.

Sanghyeok drove them to the mall and planned to drop them off the front so they all won't have to wait for parking, but Wooje decided to stay in the car with him.

"You saw her?", Sanghyeok asked.

Wooje didn't answer but the silence was enough for Sanghyeok to understand that the youngest did indeed see her.

"Let's just hope she didn't bump into the others", The eldest said.

"Yeah, you're not there to make sure Hyunjoon-hyung doesn't get arrested for assault", Wooje added, giggling after.

After the two found a suitable parking spot, they went to find the others and Sanghyeok let out a sigh when he saw the scene a few meters away from them...

Wooje's ex, well the boy she was with, was hit with the hard truth that he was the side hoe.

"What?! When that Wooje guy walked in, she told me he was just a friend"

Minseok sighed at him and pulled out his phone that suspiciously has a whole folder of Wooje and the girl's pics.

"Wait wha-", Hyunjoon said, obviously confused

"Wooje borrows my phone, did you forget", Minseok laughed, as he showed it to the boy.


The girl came back and was shocked when she saw them.

"You lied to me?!"

And when the boy ran off, she ran after him.

"I was gone, then you bitches really had to cause a scene", Sanghyeok said in disbelief, his arms folded in front of him.

"He had to know hyungie", Minhyeong told him with a smile, and Sanghyeok just shook his head at his teammates shenanigans.

"Whatever, let's get inside now, it's so cold out here", The oldest said and they went inside the mall.

When they got in they saw people who were all dancing like it's nobody's business.

Various k-pop songs were playing and as much as Wooje wanted to dance as well, he wasn't really that confident in his moves.

"Hey are you guys T1??"

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