LCK: Meant to rule (T1 + DRX)

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Plot: How to get the right heir on the Iron Throne, a guide by T1 and Jinseong.
Pairing/s: Sanghyeok (T1 mid) x Jinseong (DRX bot)
Genre: RomCrack

House of the dragon AU//

"We've been gone for two days and that damned Queen Consort stole my throne and no one bothered to tell me my father is dead!!", Sanghyeok said angrily as he marched towards the throne room along with his teammates and Jinseong.

"Oh... Prince Sanghyeok, you're back so early", Otto Hightower said, nervousness lace his voice.

"What is the meaning of this?? Why is Aegon suddenly the king?! THIS IS NOT WHAT WE TALKED ABOUT WITH MY FATHER!", The Prince shouted.

His teammates backed off a bit as they never heard the oldest member get angry like this. They were so scared that they really felt that Sanghyeok was gonna go back outside, take his dragon and burn everyone alive inside King's landing...

But they know they need to calm him a bit.

Minseok stepped forward and gave the oldest a back hug.

"Brother, you're scaring everyone... calm down a bit, you can feed them all to Lyeraxes but we need to have a sound plan first to get you back on the throne, let us help you", He said as well, speaking Valyrian most of the time to avoid the others from understanding what he's saying.

"Fine, I'll give them mercy, but no more Mr. Nice Prince, I've been kind for too long... We'll speak of this again tomorrow", Sanghyeok said back, saying the last statement to the Hightowers as he took his brothers and cousin and went back to their chambers.

Jinseong went to the oldest Prince's chamber and asked how he was.

"Could be better...", Sanghyeok sighed.

"Cousin... I know this treason is quite shocking, well not really, but we've never seen you so... angry before, by angry I mean scream on their faces kind off angry", Jinseong said.

Sanghyeok just wanted to cry that second but held it in. Ever since they were little he was betrothed to his cousin Jinseong, they were very close as children but ever since his cousin left their team to join another...

He felt quite betrayed.

"How is DRX?", The oldest asked.

"It's fine, it's mostly me and Kwanghee babysitting the kids, so yeah... fine", Jinseong said.

"But you're my betrothed, I hope you understand that even if I'm in another team doesn't mean you're gonna get replaced... you're still my King, Sanghyeok", He added, going closer to the oldest and pulling him for a hug, and Sanghyeok just broke down into tears.

The next day came and Wooje was sent to wake up his brothers due to being the first one to wake up...

But since he's the youngest, why not cause a little mischief.

He opened his brothers' windows but didn't wake them up yet, instead he went outside and hopped on his dragon, Crimsaur.

He took Crimsaur to the open windows and made him roar from the outside, instantly waking up those who occupy the room.

"For fuck's sake Wooje!!", Hyeonjoon growled as he immediately closed their window, he was sharing a room with Minhyeong and the botlaner was awake as well and had a hard glare at Wooje.

Wooje went to the next opened window which was his and Minseok's bedroom and made Crimsaur roar.

"Fuck you bro!", Minseok shouted as he threw Wooje's favorite pillow outside and closed the window.

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