LPL: I love you too, idiot ✨

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Plot: Seunglok announces his retirement and Y/N goes to him all terrified and thought of every single bad event that occurred and Seunglok assures them that they're just tired and wanted to spend time with Y/N.
Pairing/s: Seunglok (Former WBG Top) x Reader
Genre: Fluff/Crack

"Are you sure about this?? I mean you could pull a Deft still... Once last dance??", Y/N asked him.

"Yeah, I am very sure Y/N", Seunglok answers them.

Y/N let out a sigh and pouted,
"But what if you become forgotten??", They asked again.

"Well I'd have you to remember me anyways", Seunglok giggled, and faced his chair back to his monitor.

Y/N now has an unreadable expression on their face, earlier they were worried and now they looked at Seunglok with a mix of annoyance and disappointment.

"And besides, I wanted to spend more time with you", Seunglok suddenly says.

"Bitch I also have work! Didn't you consider that??", Y/N frantically said.

"Yeah, I can pick you up", Seunglok replied.

Y/N was so close to hitting him at the back of his head so hard that it can cause a concussion but the love they had for their boyfriend overpowered that.

Seunglok finished another round of league and went out of his room to find his significant other sitting on the couch eating chips and watching tv.

"Watcha watching??", He asked.

"... Something way beyond your understanding", They sassily answered.

"Are you mad at me for retiring??", Seunglok asked again.

"... No, it's just I thought I'd still get the chance to see you play... I was fixing my schedule for this year and disregarded that shit after hearing you were 'bouta retire", Y/N said, answering as honestly as they can.

"Aww, well now you can", Seunglok beamed.

"I meant with your teammates... idiot", Y/N said, muttering the last word.

Seunglok then sat next to Y/N and stole some of their chips, which annoyed Y/N and prompted Seunglok to get his own chips.

"But those are mine?!", Seunglok whined, Y/N gave up and let him have some chips.

Seunglok smiled and gave Y/N a cheek kiss even if he got a glare back from them.

"I wuv uuuu~", He said as well and lay his head on their shoulders.

"I love you too, idiot", Y/N said and giggled after, letting Seunglok fall asleep on their shoulder.

"When will you stop calling me that??", He asked them.

Y/N laughed and shook their head.

"But I'm not an idiot though", Seunglok pouted.

"Yes you are~ You are my idiot~", Y/N sing-songed, kissing away the pout on Seunglok's face.

They then finished 3 movies and have fallen asleep when the credits for the 3rd movie popped up.

Seunglok woke up at around 11pm and decided to carry Y/N to the guest room in his apartment and lay them down on the bed and tucked them in.

"I-I luv u t-too~... i-idiot~", Y/N said while asleep making Seunglok giggle.

"I love you too, my idiot", He said back and kissed them on the forehead.

This is the main reason why Seunglok retired...

Just so he could spend time with his favorite idiot named Y/N.

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