LPL: Too beautiful to be hidden in the crowd (LNG + IG)

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Plot: Wei wants to go to WORLDS... like really badly. After losing to JDG in the finals, LNG still has a chance in the regionals... but when Wei saw a certain someone in the sea of people it was enough to give him the buff he needed.
Pairing/s: Wei (LNG Bot) × Chengwei (IG Mid)
Genre: Crack

Today is the day... Where Wei would finally know if they go to WORLDS, or would they have to play another match, but Wei really wants to go to WORLDS, he really wants to whine about it, but chooses not to because he's a mature (?) 22 year old.

"Huhu, my birthday is every Valentine's day but I never had a Valentine", he said and chose to whine about being single instead, his sentence making everyone laugh.

"Don't worry, you're still a great adc, single or not", Seungyong teased, and Wei shot a hard glare at the jungler.

"Because of that I'm taking all your buffs gege", The botlaner said, not an inch of foolery laced in his voice.

One by one they were called on stage and Wei was looking for a particular someone, even if he thinks that someone won't watch their game today because he never watches games live. But he still hoped he'd see him in the crowd...

And when he did see him, the amount of self-control he had to invest not to scream like a 2 year old child was insanely large and it didn't help that he saw him in the front row with a small smile on his face.

The matches have started and the other members of LNG couldn't help but notice the stupidly adorable smile seen on Wei's face.

"Yow what's gotten into him? He seems too happy", Minghang asked his teammates, a bit concerned that his lane partner is a little too smiley than usual.

"Come on guys can't I just smile because I feel like it?", Wei asked back.

"No, because you rarely smile you prick! Okay spill, why are you so happy today huh Wei?", Yechan asked as well and at this point none of their questions were completely answered.

"Nuh-uh I'm not telling you"

"Right okay, no buffs for the best LPL Kai'sa then", Seungyong said.

LNG has won against EDG 3-1 and Wei couldn't be more happier, sure they lost the finals, but they're still going to WORLDS, and that's what mattered to Wei the most today...

Or was it.

They were celebrating until Wei mentioned he needed to go out for a bit, which the members allowed to but secretly followed the younger boy.

"Please be here, please be still here", Wei chanted in his head as he looked for a certain someone in every hallway, until he finally found him.

"Chengwei-ge!!", He happily greeted.

Chengwei grabbed his drink from the vending machine and risen in time to catch Wei in his arms.

"Hi! You did great today", the older boy smiled.

"Thanks... I didn't expect you to be here though.", Wei said.

"I know, I don't really watch live matches but I've got nothing to do today and was bored out of my head so I decided to buy a ticket", Chengwei explained.

The rest of LNG had found a great hiding spot with Minghang being the main eavesdropper.

"What are they saying?", Yechan whispered.

"Not much, but it sounds like Wei wasn't expecting him here", the support said as Seungyong also managed to find a spot where he could listen to the two.

"Anyways, why are you here alone? Aren't you supposed to be celebrating with your teammates?", Chengwei asked.

"Oh we did, I just excused myself for a bit, been awhile since I last saw you... Except when we played against each other, but we didn't really have much interaction and I missed you", Wei admitted.

"Oh how sweet~ but aren't those your teammates??", Chengwei asked, pointing at a cabinet.

Wei immediately got what he meant and opened the cabinet to reveal his eavesdropping members.

The rest of LNG then pretended to play dumb until they eventually gave up and went back to their waiting room after apologizing to Wei.

"Sorry about them", Wei apologized to Chengwei and the older just laughed.

"No need to be sorry about them, it's just proof how much you guys have gotten close to each other, it's actually pretty cute if you ask me", The midlaner giggled and damn did his giggles made Wei's stomach do some backflips.

"Anyways, I think I need to go now, I might've been hogging you for too long-", Chengwei didn't even get to finish his sentence as Wei pulled him into a kiss...

Which Seungyong managed to capture in the right timing.

"Okay let's go before he beats our asses!", He whisper-shouted as everyone finally retreated to the LNG waiting room.

Wei pulled away first and actually got a little scared because he did it out of impulse and started babbling out apologies until the shorter... but older boy pulls him into another kiss.

"I like you too you big baby", Chengwei giggled and Wei smiled at this and pulled his hands to take him to the LNG waiting room.

He was planning on telling his teammates how brave he was without knowing that they already knew.

"Okay you guys they're almost here you know what to do okay... Act surprised and happy for them and make it look genuine!", Huayu said and saw his teammates nod at him.

Minghang took another peek and saw the two getting closer and closer and ushered his teammates to act normally...

Which was difficult since this is LNG but they tried their best.

When Wei and Chengwei reached the waiting room Chengwei burst out laughing to see the positions the rest of LNG were in on...

Seungyong was upside down on the couch, Yechan was squatting for some reason, Minghang was doing the "thinking" pose and Huayu was laying down on the floor.

"Uh guys..."

"Oh hey! Didn't see you boys there, we were doing a challenge you see, the person with the funniest pose gets to choose whoever pays later", Yechan smoothly lied.

"And coach already decided that Minghang won so I'm paying, dammit", he added.

Wei bought the lie while Chengwei's smile shows that he knows LNG was lying, but chose not to say anything.

"So we're together now", Wei said and the rest of LNG concealed their laughter and had an awkward smile on their faces.

"What's with you guys?!", Wei asked, annoyance laced in his voice.

"Bubby... They already knew", Chengwei told him, and the way Wei's jaw dropped to the floor made the rest of LNG run... But they didn't have too because Chengwei was there to stop his boyfriend from rampaging over his teammates and calmed down immediately.

"I'll get you bitches back when he's not here", Wei mouthed to all of them when Chengwei wasn't paying attention.

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