LPL: Make him smile (TES)

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Plot: Before the TES vs BLG match, Y/N was dared by their younger brother to make TES' botlaner, Y/N's favorite player, smile whether they win or lose, and Y/N is always up for a good challenge.
Pairing/s: Wenbo (Botlane) x reader
Genre: Crack/Fluff

"Remember the dare, go make him smile!!"

Y/N just gave him an aggressive nod and was off to go into the arena.

When they got in there were so many people which they expected because the two teams who will be battling later are very well-known teams and have popular players.

Y/N will be on the TES side of the arena today since they are a TES fan, more specifically, a fan of Jackeylove. They love all of the members but Jackey was the reason they got into LoL esports in the first place.

Y/N had two fansigns with them...

One that says "TOP ESPORTS ON TOP!!"...

And the other that has all the names of the players and their respective pokemon according to Y/N. They created the signs by themselves without help from their younger brother who's actually a talented artist.

The game was starting and one by one the players appeared on stage after their names were called by teams, Y/N cheered hard for every member but was heard screaming the loudest when Jackeylove came out.

"YU WENBO I LOVE YOU!!", Y/N screamed on top of their lungs, waving their two fansigns as the fans hyped up the players.

And now Y/N just hopes that draft kingdom will be in favor of Top Esports.

When Game 1 begun, Y/N had a lot of hope that TES will win the map... Then they remembered that this is BLG, and BLG showed TES why they're first place in this Summer's regular split.

As for Game 2, Y/N could cry, TES is taking their revenge on BLG and is playing so well, and Y/N can't help but commend Euijin on this game, his Jayce was great.

Game 3 started and Y/N felt like they were suffocating, this match suddenly became so close so quickly like they just blinked and boom the scoreline was 22-22 and Y/N saw how good Wenbo's KDA was...

But Jiahao had to remind them again that he's in the Asian games for a reason and got a Pentakill on TES, and that's how the game ended.

BLG 3 - 1 TES

Y/N was heartbroken for the players right now, but is hoping that they can bounce back in the regionals since they're still there due to Championship points.

Sure TES lost but Y/N never forgot the dare their younger brother gave to them...

"Win or lose you have to make Jackeylove smile"

And their mission starts now.

Y/N then waited outside for the players because they know they're not allowed to go where their waiting rooms were so they stood outside patiently waiting for them to come out...

And hopefully the TES fans won't say stupid or mean things to the players when they do come out.

"Come on Wenbo, where are you guys?", They thought to themselves, as they realized that they were the only fan that waited...

Is destiny doing them a favor by making the other TES fans go home after that game?

"Maybe?", Y/N thought again.

The players began coming out and BLG was first and of course BLG fans began cheering for them and Y/N didn't want to be rude so they clapped for them as well, they may be annoyed that TES lost to this team but they won't deny their talent.

TES were next and the BLG fans did the same and also cheered for the team, but Y/N had to one up them.

"LET'S DO WELL IN THE REGIONALS!!", They said as loud as they possibly can, but they weren't finished...

"I BELIEVE IN YOU GUYS!! SO SO MUCH!!", They added, their eyes were closed due to the volume they had to emit but when they opened their eyes they saw Wenbo looking at them.

And Y/N's younger brother owes them their milktea prize because Wenbo was smiling at Y/N.

"D-do you want to have a picture?", The botlaner asked as they approached Y/N.

Y/N slowly nodded their head as they gave Wenbo their phone and took a selfie together.

"Thanks for believing in us", the botlaner said, still smiling as they waved goodbye to Y/N.

Y/N was actually filming using their phone before TES came out and caught it all on camera, and of course as promised, their younger brother bought them their prize.

"Wow! You actually did it, impressive
Y/N", he told them.

"You know I'm always up for a good challenge lil' bro", Y/N told them as they ruffled his hair.

"Yeah yeah, you win this time!!", He said, his tone used was very annoying but it made Y/N laugh.

"Now I have a dare for you lil' bro, since I made Wenbo smile... And your team plays tomorrow hehe, I dare you to give Knight a flying kiss, but he has to see you do it", Y/N challenged and saw how color was removed from their younger brother's face after hearing the dare.

"Fine, I'll do it"

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