LCK: The day when the sun rises west (KDF)

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Plot: The KDF junglers are on their flight to Dusseldorf Germany after having a great time in Barcelona...
Pairing/s: Youngjae (Jungle) x Woochan (Jungle)
Genre: Heavy Angst

Germanwings Flight 9525 inspired AU//

"I'm so excited! I've never been to Germany before!", Youngjae beamed, taking a video of him and Woochan before takeoff.

"So have I! I'm glad that we still have time to go on trips like this", Woochan said, waving at Youngjae's phone.

They both then decided to sit back and relax as it was announced that they were about to takeoff, and Woochan being Woochan, has already fallen asleep...

Their flight is only 2 hrs, they should be fine.

Youngjae and Woochan were seated at the front of the economy class and Woochan noticed that one of the pilots left the cockpit and went to the restroom.

"Mans couldn't hold it in anymore", Woochan giggled.

"Come on hyung, we all can't control our bladder, and it's bad for our health when we hold our pee for too long", Youngjae said and was lightly hit by Woochan saying he was just kidding.

However, they both noticed it weird when the plane started to descend.

"Woah, what the fuck, we still have quite the long way to go still why are we descending to the fucking French Alps?", Youngjae muttered and then started to get even more worried when he saw the pilot frantically screaming at the co-pilot to open the door.

"For the love of God! Open the goddamn door!!"

"Shit! Shit!", Woochan shouted as he removed his seatbelt to stand up and see clearly what was going on.

Youngjae felt hot tears coming from his eyes as he realizes their fate...

They're gonna fucking die.

"Sit down hyung!", Youngjae cried and did manage to have the older jungler sit down.

Woochan pulled out his phone and left a message for their coach to read...

"We're sorry, but I don't think we're gonna make it, go find another jungler while you can, there's still a lot of them who are free agents"

Woochan then turned to face Youngjae after sending the message as he pulled the younger jungler for a hug.

Woochan then tied his and Youngjae's arms together so if they do die their bodies hopefully would not be separated from each other.

Youngjae took one final look at the Captain who was still trying to break down the cockpit door, now using an axe then the next thing he saw was black...

It was over.

-In Korea-

Daeho panicked immediately after seeing Woochan's message, it was sent to him 2 hrs ago and he just woke up from his nap, so now he immediately opened the television and found out that the plane that Woochan and Youngjae had been on has indeed already crashed.

"Hyung! Hyung!", Taeyoon rushed towards him with his phone and tears in his eyes as he showed the news.

"We're flying to the fucking French Alps, I know a guy who can fly us there right now!", Coach Daeho said as he took Taeyoon and the rest of the team with him.

Daeho's friend allowed them to fly on his private jet after hearing about Woochan and Youngjae and also came with them.

"Please lord spare them", Daeho prayed in his head.

"I don't want to be that guy but... I heard all 149 passengers + 6 crew are dead", His friend said.

"Even if that's the case... They should be able to go home still, their bodies I mean", Daeho told him.

They have arrived near the crash site and Daeho and the other members of the team immediately went running.

The victims were all layed out and names were right beside them.

Dongju then immediately spotted two familiar figures...

"Th-they're right over there!", he said with his shaky voice.

Daeho let out a sigh as they walked towards it and the two junglers were indeed...


The news circulated quickly in the League community as a lot of people immediately got hold of the news and expressed their sadness and how hard it must be for the KDF corporation to lose 2 members.

Many people gave their condolences from pro players to casters, and Daeho had no choice but to pull the team from playing this year, good thing RIOT Korea has given them time to heal from this experience.

The next day the story unfolded and the reason why it crashed was told on the news and it angered Daeho along with the League Community.

It was confirmed that the Co-pilot seemed to have been planning this deadly flight for a while now as he was suffering from depression, but it wasn't enough that only he should perish...

He wanted to take others with him.

"THIS BASTARD IS GOING TO HELL!", Dongju shouted, watching the news right beside Daeho.

And Daeho does also wish that the bastard would go to hell as well...

But the deed has been done, and he was successful.

"Maybe they'd come back... ya know... the day when the sun rises west", He thought to himself.

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