LPL: The commoner's crown (IG)

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Plot: Chengwei was disliked by everybody in the small town of his, as his mother was believed to be a witch and was killed for it... But a series of events will change the boy's unfortunate life.
Pairing/s: Chengwei (Mid) x Shanye (Bot)
Genre: Fluff/Crack

Fantasy AU//

"I just want to buy some eggs dammit", Chengwei muttered as he was once again ignored by every shopkeeper in existence in this town.

"Looks like I'm not gonna eat again", He added and sighed, putting his coins back in his pocket. A man bumping into him making him fall as well.

This is a normal day for Chengwei, as much as he despises it and just wants to perish, it's pretty much an everyday event for him...

And it's exhausting.

After his mother was killed by the
townsfolk he was forced out of their own house and was made to sleep in the streets... Even in the woods so he'd be far away from the "curse" he's carrying.

He lay down under a tree and sighed as he looked up at the stars and wished for a better life...

A better life he shall receive.

Chengwei woke up expecting it to be another normal day, but when he walked out of the woods, something was weird...

The place he is seeing right now is not his town...

Specifically because his town did not have a castle, his town wasn't even building one to begin with, but alas excitement washed on Chengwei as he began walking towards this new place.

When he arrived, the people seemed pleasant and lively and were extremely polite to him which made him feel a little weird.

"Oh sorry mate, didn't see you there"

Chengwei bowed to the man and the man gave him a whole apple to make up for it which he wanted to reject but the man insisted...

So now he has a whole basket of fruit after he was given an apple.

Chengwei sat at a nearby tree and observed the busy town he was in right now while eating his fruits and a loud fanfare shocked him.

"Please welcome your royal highness, King Shanye!!"

Chengwei saw how they all stood up and bowed out of respect, so he did the same...

Not expecting the King to come towards him.

"Hello", The King greeted.

"H-hello", Chengwei greeted back.

"You're a fresh new face", The King said.

"I-I have no idea how I got here sir, when I woke up instead of my town I saw your town", The commoner mentioned.

Shanye made Chengwei look at him as he held his chin and saw the man's delicate features.

"Ahh, so you must be Yuan Chengwei", He said and smiled and Chengwei almost choked on air.


"Well you see, this town only appears to the person who is to be King, it appeared for you, so yes, you're this town's king", Shanye explained.

Chengwei just blinked twice thinking he must be hearing wrong.

"You heard me right, don't overthink it", Shanye giggled.

"But I thought you're the King of this town!", Chengwei remarked.

Shanye then shook his head and said that when he became King, he woke up and a different town appeared but came down to help this town after the people mentioned that they found their King.

"They must be crazy or something, why me?", Chengwei asked.

"You have lived an unfortunate life haven't you? They're giving you a chance on a new life", The King said.

Chengwei was super unsure at what to do and looked very uneasy so Shanye offered his help.

"Come on, King Chengwei, let's get you ready at the castle".

Before Chengwei was wearing normal clothes like longsleeves and pants, and now he's wearing a fancy robe and he wants to take it off...

"It's so itchy!!", He complained.

"You'll get used to it, and besides there's more layers to put on", Shanye giggled and saw how Chengwei pouted.

"Damn he's cute", He told himself.

When Chengwei was wearing everything, he felt like he had to be taught how to walk again because he practically can't with all the layers he's wearing and how everything feels so heavy.

Shanye held a hand out and helped the other King walk properly.

"Time to meet your royal subjects", He giggled as he led Chengwei to the halls of the castle and gathered everyone in the throne room.

"His hand is so soft!", Shanye internally screamed, Chengwei not planning to let go as well because he still can't walk.

After brief introductions Chengwei was allowed to roam the castle freely and when he could finally walk properly, he slowly let go of Shanye's hand...

Which made Shanye a little sad.

"Stables!!", Chengwei excitedly screamed as he ran towards the stables and petted the horses.

"So you know how to race?", Shanye asked.

Chengwei looked at him and shook his head,
"I never raced yet sir, only took care of the horses", He said.

Shanye smiled and for the rest of the day he taught Chengwei how to race...

And Chengwei won't admit it but he'll really get used to his new life...

With Shanye's help of course, there's no way Chengwei can lead all on his own, he just wishes the other King has time for him as well.

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