LPL: Enchanted to meet you (EDG) ✨

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Plot: There are always people we meet that we want to keep meeting... This one is no different.
Pairing/s: Lijie (Jungler) x reader
Genre: Fluff/Light Angst

Non-proplayer AU//

Y/N was peacefully sketching some birds while on a hike, not adamant to make it perfect but still wants it to be presentable...

But the wind decided to screw them up a bit and blew their hair like they would star in a shampoo commercial, and it slightly messed up their sketch... it also doesn't really help that they were using charcoal pencils.

"Shit", Y/N lowly cursed as they grabbed their kneaded eraser from their bag and began erasing the graphite gently.

They went back to sketching but something else caught their eye.

There was a guy who sat at the bench parallel to Y/N's and it doesn't help that the guy was incredibly attractive so Y/N decided not to finish the bird sketch yet but decided to draw the guy in front of them.

The guy was obviously tired from the amount of sweat Y/N sees and he also pulled out a small baggie that contained some sandwiches and Y/N tried to draw him discreetly cause they don't want to come off as a stalker.

Y/N wanted to laugh at themselves because they're nailing this guy's features like they memorized what he looked like from the top of their head.

The guy was still not leaving and Y/N hoped he would stay a little longer because they wanted to color the drawing so Y/N did just that...

But alas, the guy left.

Y/N let out a sigh as they just decided to finish the bird sketch they were doing in the first place.

After finishing the bird sketch Y/N wanted to see if he could still find the guy, and they were so happy when they did but felt like they were punched in the gut when they saw the guy with a girl that Y/N immediately assumed is his girlfriend.

So Y/N decided to start a new drawing as they drew the "couple", but this time
Y/N only did a sketch and mustered all the courage they could garner as they approached the "couple".

"Hi guys", Y/N greeted the two.

The two greeted back and asked if they needed anything.

"I got bored and decided to do a sketch of both of you. You guys won the genetic lottery and it was actually a fun activity.", Y/N said, a smile plastered on their face.

"Aww thanks! Wow, you made me and my brother look so much better", the girl said.

"Wait he's your brother?", Y/N asked, shocked.

"Yeah, I know, we don't really look alike, I look like my dad and he looks like our mom", She giggled, which made Y/N giggle as well as she left the siblings alone after they said thanks.

When Y/N got back to sketching something else something, albeit someone surprised them.


"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to startle you"

What are the chances? It's the guy Y/N has been admiring since they saw him on the bench.

"Thanks for the drawing by the way, you made my sister really happy, I'm Lijie", the guy introduced himself.

"Hey man, the name is Y/N", They happily greeted back.

Lijie then left after his family called him, but not after saying another thanks to Y/N...

If only they could meet again.

- I'm not a massive Swiftie but I love Taylor's songs so if you noticed, the title of this chapter is a lyric from her song "Enchanted" :)

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