LCK/LJL: I can't save us (HLE + DFM)

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Plot: They're not teammates anymore, but something could've definitely changed if they admitted their feelings to each other... No confession occurs but Seonghoon helps them talk again.
Pairing/s: Jeongmin (HLE Support, former KT Support) x Gaeul (DFM Mid, former KT Mid)
Genre: Angst (with happy ending?)

It's been a year since Jeongmin saw Gaeul, he doesn't even have the courage to message the younger boy on how he's been because he can't even look at the name he gave him as his caller id because he gets upset.

My little ferret ✨

"Dude, you've been staring at your phone for like 2 mins now, you good?", Dohyeon, his now lane partner asked.

"Uh yeah, sorry, spaced out for a bit", Jeongmin said and gave him a small smile.

"You looked like you were really deep in thought though bro", Dohyeon said after and left.

"Gaeul-ah!", Geonyeong called.

Gaeul peeked out of the bathroom with his toothbrush still on his mouth and asked the older why he's been called.

"Practice is about to start, hurry up!", The jungler said and Gaeul did just that.

The midlaner is now back inside the gaming room when a sudden moment of Deja Vu hit him.

Gaeul clutched his head as he dropped to the floor and the next thing his members knew...

He was crying.

Memories of the KT gaming room suddenly hit him and why did he have to be there?? Why did Jeongmin also have to appear in his head.

Jeongmin then continued to stare into nothingness until Seonghoon sat beside him.

"You thinking about them??", The other asked, startling Jeongmin.

"Ahh shit! Bro can you not, and no I was not thinking about them", Jeongmin lied.

"Then who's my little ferret??", The toplaner asked, pointing to the caller id seen on Jeongmin's phone.

"I-It's nobody", The support lied, hiding his phone...

But alas Seonghoon is adamant to find out as he swiftly took the phone from the support and called the number, and Jeongmin panicked.

"Shh, hyung you're fine, you're fine", Jiyoong said, rubbing circles on the back of the crying midlaner, and suddenly Gaeul's phone rang.

"Not be that guy... but Buff Santa is calling", Yuta said, trying not to laugh at the caller id Gaeul gave to whoever this is.

Gaeul, with the help of Jiyoong and Ryo stood up from the floor, his phone given to him by Yuta and went outside of the gaming house to answer the call.


Seonghoon smiled as the other line picked up.

"Hello, this is Seonghoon, or you might know me more by the name Kingen", He introduced himself.

"Oh, I thought Jeongmin was the one calling because it's his phone"

"Technically he is, he's just being a coward so I called you for him, may I know who this is though? Jeongmin had given you the id My little ferret ✨", Seonghoon asked and his mouth went wide when he heard who it was.

"It's me I guess, if you can't remember me. Hi! I'm Lee Gaeul, or you might be more familiar with my ign which is Aria, me and Jeongmin were teammates at KT last year"

Seonghoon looked at Jeongmin with a shocked face and tried not to laugh.

"Ohh yes yes I remember you! Aria-desuyo! Didn't know Jeongmin had a thing for cute guys hehe, anyways I'll pass the phone to him now", Seonghoon said as he gave Jeongmin his phone back and mouthed a "Goodluck bro".

"Hey, sorry about Seonghoon", Jeongmin told Gaeul, feeling a little guilty that the other may have bothered Gaeul.

"Nah it's fine, I needed to take a break anyways"

And that never sounded good for Jeongmin,
"You had it again haven't you?", He asked, concern laced in his voice.

"Had what?"

"Don't play fool with me Lee Gaeul, you had another panic attack haven't you?!", He retorted.

"Can you not s-scream at me??"

"Sorry sorry, I know we're not teammates anymore but can you not lie to me, we're still friends right? And like Eleven from Stranger things said, Friends don't lie", Jeongmin said.

"Yes, yes of course we're still friends... Sorry, yeah I just had one earlier"

And Jeongmin sighed at this.

Their call ended and Jeongmin just wants to punch Seonghoon in the face, but he does kind off owe the slightly older boy a favor.

"Hey how did it go??", Seonghoon asked, the boy was excited, even more excited than Jeongmin ever was.

"It went well, though he had another panic attack before the call even happened... It took me back to last year where he would hide from us because of it and had it all alone because he was scared that it would bother us", Jeongmin explained.

"Who found him out?", Seonghoon asked.

"Kwanghee-hyung did. He found him in the bathroom crying on the floor and he was clutching his jacket while calling himself a bunch of mean names... From then on Kwanghee-hyung made sure not to lose sight of him", Jeongmin added.

Gaeul went back inside after the call finished and his teammates didn't even bother asking him who called, but they already have a hunch on who it might be...

They just don't want to confront with him yet since the midlaner looks like he doesn't want to talk about it.

"So Kingen-sseonsu had to take initiative because he can't even call me himself... Okay great, good to know", Gaeul thought to himself, then stopping himself from overthinking it even more.

But of course he had to have one more,
"He didn't even sound excited to be talking to me again... Fuck what if it bothered him?! I should've hung up and never answered in the first place"

Jeongmin then gathered enough to courage to text the slightly younger boy as he typed away and sent it.

"Hey it was nice talking to you again, please don't think that it bothered me because it didn't, Seonghoon was right I was just hesitant cuz it's been a while since we've talked"

He wasn't expecting a quick reply though.

"It was nice talking to you as well, maybe if I make it to Worlds we could meet up sometime"

And Jeongmin smiled at this.

"Of course, I can always make time for you... My little ferret"

"Okay then... Buff Santa"

And suddenly someone behind Jeongmin erupted in laughter.

"He named you Buff Santa?! THAT'S SO ACCURATE PLEASE", Geonwoo began cackling and Jeongmin suddenly felt violent.

"Oh sorry sorry, I'll leave", the younger boy said as he left the premises after seeing how the support glared at him.

Jeongmin then looked back at his phone and smiled...

Then frowned when he realizes he does owe Seonghoon big time.

"Shit", He lowly cursed.

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