LJL: Even on my last breath I love you (DFM)

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Plot: Jiyoong and Gaeul were aboard the RMS Titanic to visit their family in New York... What was supposed to be a peaceful trip turns into tragedy.
Pairing/s: Jiyoong (Support) x Gaeul (Mid)
Genre: Heavy Angst/Fluff

Titanic AU//

Jiyoong was asleep when the whole fiasco began, he was woken up by Gaeul who was obviously distressed.

"The ship is sinking"

At first Jiyoong thought he was joking but then he heard the screams of the people from the outside... And with that they ran to the deck.

When they got there they were told that women and children board first so they decided to be gentlemen and helped board them, even going back down to gather more people.

"Hurry hurry!", Jiyoong told them, and saw Gaeul running with a child on his arms.

"Anybody missing a child!!", He screamed, but nobody paid attention to him, he was trying to console the child who was now crying because of the noise.

"Anybody missing a child!!", Jiyoong repeated a minute later and screamed a little louder, and a man came running to them and when he saw the child in Gaeul's arms he thanked them both and took the kid with him and the two saw the man board a lifeboat.

It was already 30 mins in and as much as the two want to board immediately, they know it's not right so they remained after 3 lifeboats were released and helped board other people to the other lifeboats.

Jiyoong then felt someone tugging his sleeves and saw it was a little girl who was holding hands with her brother.

"S-sir, we cannot find our parents", The child said, trying not to cry.

Jiyoong looked at Gaeul and they asked the remaining passengers as well if the lost a child but everyone they asked said no.

Gaeul and Jiyoong then carried the two to a lifeboat and boarded them there.

"We cannot find your parents but you two need to be safe, maybe you'll find them when you get saved okay, look after your little brother", Jiyoong told them with a smile.

The passengers aboard the same lifeboat all agreed to look after the two children and they were off, the two waving weakly to Jiyoong and Gaeul, hoping the two would survive.

An hour has passed and Gaeul is tired, only 10 lifeboats have been released and people are now acting too maniacally and it became even more of a mess than it originally was.

As much as he wants to scream at them to be quiet, he couldn't because he knows the situation they're in right now isn't ideal and at this point he's ready to accept his fate...

He's not gonna make it ashore.

Only the deck is now seen as the remaining passengers struggle to get the remaining lifeboats, and one of those is Jiyoong, who noticed how pale Gaeul looked.

"Hey you okay?", The younger asked.

"I-I don't want to do this anymore", Gaeul admitted.

"What? We can still board a lifeboat", Jiyoong said and Gaeul felt a tiny spark as he let the younger carry him to a lifeboat...

But then...

"Help! Help!!"

The instincts kicked in and he garnered power to pull the men who was still stuck inside as he managed to open the door.

Jiyoong knew what was coming next so he also did it... He gave up his seat on the lifeboat.

Him and Gaeul along with the rest who decided to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others, sat what has remained of the ocean liner and gazed at the stars.

"You know, you didn't have to give up your seat... You were set to be married to Lucy", Gaeul told the younger.

"I didn't want to marry Lucy", Jiyoong giggled.

"What why? She's your type... You said you liked pretty people", The older boy mentioned.

"I do... But specifically, I like you. I didn't want to marry Lucy, because as crazy as it sounds and how impossible it sounds, it's you I wanted to marry", Jiyoong confessed, and Gaeul sat there stunned with a decision that is harder than the one they made earlier... But he decided to follow his heart.

"I-I thought I was the only one who felt that way", Gaeul said.

"We've been friends for God knows how long and I never imagined myself with anyone else, but you", He added.

Jiyoong smiled at this and two leaned at each other for their very first and very last kiss.

The ship has now completely sank and Jiyoong and Gaeul's bodies were recovered, their arms were tied together so their bodies won't separate when they died and a small smile were seen on their faces as if they finally said "I love you"...

Which they have.

Their families were completely heartbroken at the news of their untimely deaths but pride was kept in their hearts after they heard how the two died as heroes, and the little girl and his brother were the one to tell their story to their families as they want to repay the two men's kindness to them.

The little girl brought flowers and put it on their headstone and observed the names of their heroes who the families have decided to bury together since they were such good friends... Not aware that they became lovers before death.

Lee Gaeul
October 14, 1889 - April 15, 1912

Lee Jiyoong
June 3, 1890 - April 15, 1912

They will be dearly missed.

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