LCK: A Prince disguised as a clown (KT)

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Plot: Siwoo had always liked making people smile, he just has so much love to give to everyone he adores... So he doesn't mind making a crying fan feel better and loved, and doesn't care if he looks stupid doing it.
Pairing/s: Siwoo (Support) x reader
Genre: Fluff/Light Angst

It was another day and another win for KT to keep their streak alive and going, and they're always excited. The main reason is that they will get to see their fans, share experiences with them, receive their gifts (that they know are personalized to make it extra special) and just appreciate each other's existence.

As for Siwoo, he loves making everyone around him smile, that's who he is, a walking serotonin boost who is so lovable and... he's handsome too.

The line has already begun so Y/N hurried up so they won't get squished at the very back of the line, but while waiting for their turn, Y/N's phone rang.

"Ugh why now", Y/N groaned but when they saw the caller id they decided to take the call even if they didn't want to and went outside so they won't disrupt others.

"What is it?", Y/N asked the caller and they were expecting a prank/joke because it's their younger brother, who always pulled tricks on them, the one calling...

But they did not expect news that would instantly ruin their day.

"You're joking right?! PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE JOKING!", Y/N screamed, tears pouring down their eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm not", and after those words were said Y/N dropped to their knees as tears kept coming and the rain started pouring, getting their clothes wet.

The fansign was finished and KT were about to head home as Siwoo noticed a figure in the distance, clothes all wet and the person was clearly upset.

"Why don't you guys go ahead, I'll grab a taxi instead", Siwoo told their members.

"But Siwoo, it's raining", his coach told him.

"I know but- what about them?", He asked, pointing to the figure.

Head coach Donghoon sighed and said that he'll pick him up later instead and Siwoo thanked the coach for being able to read the room.

Siwoo then sat next to the figure and put the umbrella above both of them.

"Wha-what?", Y/N softly said and had the absolute shock of their lives when they saw who the kind person was.

"Le-lehends-seonsu", Y/N stuttered.

"Hello", Siwoo greeted and flashed them a very bright smile.

Y/N began crying again and Siwoo got scared that he made it worse so he hugged Y/N.

"Shh it's gonna be okay, I'm sorry if I scared you", he said.

Y/N composed themselves and tried breathing properly.

"You didn't", They softly said.

"Mind sharing why are you so upset?", Siwoo asked them.

They sighed and only said 4 words.

"My grandma got hospitalized".

This prompted Siwoo to hug Y/N again, this time even tighter, so he can spread his happy energy more effectively to the person he's trying to help feel better.

They stayed like that for 30 minutes, just hugging.

"Lehends-seonsu, as much as I appreciate you, what if people start talking?", Y/N mentioned.

"I don't care, my main priority right now is to make sure you feel better, and a silly little rumor about me dating won't hurt my career, and besides they should talk about this instead", Siwoo giggled and began dancing like a maniac in the middle of the street, making Y/N laugh uncontrollably.

"Damn he really is a prince... disguised as a clown", Y/N thought in their head.

"Oh by the way, I haven't asked you for your name yet", Siwoo said, opening the water bottle he opened for Y/N.

"I'm Y/N", They said, a smile seen on their face.

"There's a pretty smile, and a pretty name", Siwoo said and this made Y/N blush.

After that Siwoo asked Y/N if they plan on visiting their grandma, so they nodded their head, so when Head coach Donghoon came he was shocked to have an extra cargo.

"Uhh... Siwoo, what the hell?", He asked.

"Sorry coach, Y/N over here needed to visit their grandma at *insert name of hospital here* and fast", Siwoo said.

Head coach Donghoon just sighed and began driving.

When they arrived, Siwoo was about to go down as well, but Y/N stopped him.

"I really appreciate you Lehends-seonsu, I really do, but at this point you already have done so much for me and I don't want to keep bothering you. Thank you so much for your kindness Sir, and besides I'm coming to your next match so no need to pout at me like that", Y/N said.

This made Siwoo light up and smile,
"I'll be expecting you then Y/N", he said.

"Of course", Y/N said with a smile and waved to Siwoo as they parted ways.

And Y/N's hunch from the start was correct.

Siwoo is indeed a prince disguised as a clown.

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