LCK: Been a while, hyung (GEN + T1) ✨

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Plot: Wangho and Sanghyeok still play in LCK... but in different teams. So when news broke out about Sanghyeok's injury, Wangho decided to visit the older.
Pairing/s: Wangho (GEN Jungler, former T1 Jungler) × Sanghyeok (T1 Mid)
Genre: Fluff/Angst

Wangho was peacefully scrolling through his Twitter account when he saw the post that Sanghyeok won't be playing today due to his injury.

He knew about the injury but he didn't think that the older would need a two weeks rest because of it. He expected it to be healed very quickly.

The jungler decided to leave the building, and only told his coach that he will be out to dinner with a family member of his, when the truth is he wanted to visit the older...

It's been a while since they last interacted, both men had been busy with their own lives, with practices and personal things, and problems that neither want to talk about.

He got on his bike and cycled his way to Sanghyeok's home.

It was quite a long ride but he didn't mind, Wangho even stopped by the nearest 7/11 to buy them drinks and snacks.

He parked his bike close by and proceeded to ring the doorbell.

"Oh hey!", Sanghyeok greeted, looking a little pained because he tried to wave using his right arm (injured arm) and failed.

"Hey hyung", Wangho greeted back as Sanghyeok let him in.

Wangho put down the plastic bags he was carrying and giggled a bit when he remembered how long it had truly been since he was in Sanghyeok's house.

The older gave him a refresher with information he needed like where the bathroom was, where the cups are located etc.

"Thanks hyung, I would invite you to play but you're injured", He said.

"No no it's fine, I can still hold a controller", The older remarked.

"Oh yeah? Looks like I'm gonna beat you at Mario Kart today huh", Wangho joked, not aware that he ignited something in the older.

Wangho is now left dazed and confused...

How the fuck does an injured man, said man's injury was on his dominant hand by the way, win against him so hard in a game of Mario Kart.

"It's experience kid", The older joked as he began laughing at his own statement.

"You're only two years older than me grandpa", Wangho joked back, and they proceeded to have another match.

"Okay okay, that's enough, you need to fully rest now hyung", Wangho told Sanghyeok who pouted when the controller was removed from this hands.

"Holy fuck how are you the oldest in T1?", The younger giggled seeing the older's antics.

"Profanity!", Sanghyeok called out which Wangho didn't even apologize for.

The two resorted to eating the snacks that Wangho bought but the jungler can't help but stare at the older.

"Damn it has really been a while"

"Why you staring at me like that? Do I have something on my face?", The midlaner asked, feeling concerned.

"Nah, nothing at all. It's just, it's been a while since we hung out, Sanghyeok-hyung", Wangho said.

This actually caught Sanghyeok a bit off-guard as he just nodded his head.

"Well, it's really like that. We're so busy these days, ya know. With practices and whatnot... but it's nice, seeing your team go on an undefeated streak", Sanghyeok said, his voice cracking a little at the last sentence.

"Well, something's gotta change around here", Wangho joked.

"Yeah, I mean, I can't win all the time", the older boy responded.

Wangho opened the older's drink for him and gave it to Sanghyeok who looks like he's overthinking things.

"Don't, it's not good for you", Wangho said. The older didn't say anything but tilted his head to what the jungler has said.

"You're overthinking, don't, you'll make it to WORLDS", Wangho added with a smile.

Sanghyeok just nodded and continued eating...

And Wangho did miss this a lot, having his alone time with the face of LoL who he was lucky enough to be teammates with earlier in his career, before he was also considered an LCK boomer.

If only he could freeze time so he can savor the moment, because Sanghyeok told him he's appearing at Jaewan's stream, which means that Wangho has to leave soon...


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