LCK: Flight to the future (OKBRO)

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Plot: When Korean Airways Flight 1663 landed, Luhan and Minseong were expecting everything to be normal after a 6-hour flight to Singapore... But the opposite sorta happened.
Pairing/s: Park Luhan (Top) x Kim Minseong (Jungle) This ship is platonic/ Park Luhan x Eom Seonghyeon (Team Liquid Jungle, former OKBRO Jungle)
Genre: Crack

Minseong was seated comfortably right beside Luhan who had already fallen asleep before the plane had even taxied on the runway.

Goodmorning Ladies and Gentlemen this is your Captain speaking, we are about to takeoff so make sure your seatbelts are fastened, now sit back and relax as the plane lifts off.

Their flight was fairly early, it was 7 am and the two got up at 3:30 just to take a bath and eat breakfast. They were expecting to arrive at around 1-1-30 pm PST.

Luhan woke up and there was only about 2 hours and 30 mins left of the flight and decided to play some games on his phone, now noticing that Minseong has also fallen asleep.

The toplaner decided to play some temple run and didn't forget to switch his phone to airplane mode.

The window was left open and when he glanced at it, it was very cloudy outside and it looked like it was about to rain.

The two had booked a hotel to stay at in Singapore and already had their day planned for tomorrow as their plans after landing was to sleep and do more sleeping.

Turbulence suddenly occurred, shaking Minseong awake and Luhan tries not to laugh after witnessing the younger bump his head near the window.

The Captain has announced that they'll be landing in about 20 minutes so Minseong and Luhan both used the restroom to avoid getting in trouble later.

"Have you brushed your teeth hyung?", Minseong asked.

Luhan smiled and nodded as they strapped in their seatbelt again and Luhan played some Taylor Swift in his phone.

They have now landed and was given the permission to grab their stuff so they can leave the aircraft...

However as passengers got off the aircraft and towards the gate, there were a lot of newscasters, journalists and cameramen surrounding them and other passengers.

"What the fuck?", Luhan mumbled.

Then the Captain was seen by them and then he was surrounded.

"Woah! Woah! What's going on!!", He shouted.

"Wait what?", A journalist asked.

"You heard me right! I don't even fucking know what's going on! How would you expect the passengers to know as well?? We just got off the aircraft and suddenly you all appeared like you don't know what the word 'Privacy' means!", The Captain angrily yelled.

"Uhh... Your aircraft has been missing for 7 total years", Another journalist answered.

Minseong and Luhan looked at each other weirdly and checked their phone.

They left South Korea at 7 am on January 6, 2024... and now it's 1:30 pm January 6, 2031.

"Holy Shit!", Minseong said.

Luhan checked his phone immediately and as expected, the hotel they booked has cancelled the booking and sent the refund towards his account.

He immediately went to find another hotel he can book for their 'vacation' and managed to find one...

Thank fuck they didn't close his bank account.

"Come on Min, let's get our luggages, I have found us a place to stay in", The older said.

Minseong nodded as he followed Luhan to the baggage claim.

They got to the hotel and when Minseong checked his phone again and saw a message from Hongjo.


"Yes we are... though it is still confusing", Minseong typed back.

"What do you mean?"

"When me and Luhan-hyung boarded the plane all felt normal... It didn't feel like we were stuck in the sky for 7 fucking years because the fuel would've ran out even if our plane was an Airbus a340, it wouldn't glide for 7 years if the fuel ran out", Minseong replied.


Their flight appeared on the news and messages kept appearing on their phone from old teammates, friends and family who are just happy to finally know they're alive and well.

"This feels so weird", Minseong said.

"Tell me about it", Luhan giggled, and received a notification from someone unexpected.

"Hi Luhan..."

Luhan blocked the number.

"Did you block Seonghyeon-hyung?? Dude has been bothering me for the past 20 minutes that something is wrong with his messenger since he can't message you", Minseong asked.

Luhan looked at him and nodded.

"Why?? Aren't you two close?", The jungler asked.

"We are... well we used too, he promised me he's gonna stay for good but he still left", The toplaner answered.

"... So I'm still hurt about it, that he'd choose money over me", He added.

Minseong sat next to the elder and showed him something.

"September 28, 2023... UmTi rejoined the team", He read.

"Pfft... Only to find out I'm not there anymore... stupid", Luhan snickered.

"Anyways can we stop talking about him? Tell him I don't want to talk to him... ever!", The older one added. Minseong sighed but relayed the message to Seonghyeon just how Luhan has said it to him.

A few hours later Minseong's phone lit up again to show a new message notification from Seonghyeon.

"Can you tell him... I'm sorry"

And as much as Minseong wants to tell him it's probably too late, he still kept it in mind and went to sleep...

Hopefully he won't forget in the morning.

Well hopefully tomorrow as well, him and Luhan can make sense of this shit that just occurred...

Cause until now Minseong still wonders how the hell did their plane land 7 years after their departure time.

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