LJL: Is this entertaining? (DFM)

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Plot: What happens when the member who doesn't get angry... gets very angry... DFM and one of their staff find out the hard way.
Pairing/s: Gaeul x Jiyoong
Genre: Crack

Gaeul is known to have the patience of a Saint, he doesn't get angry, he gets annoyed, but never angry. He also easily forgives...

But right now, some DFM staff are cornered as Gaeul is holding his head after a staff member smashed a bottle on it.

"What the fuck did you do?!", Haruhiko screamed, holding the younger in his arms.

"H-he was flirting with Jiyoong... I like him okay and I don't think Jiyoong deserves him", The staff said.

Jiyoong let out a cackle from the doorway, walked towards the staff who was ready to kiss him, and slapped her across the face.

"How fucking dare you!! You don't get to hurt him just like that you hear me?! And you really think I'd like you back... I'd rather die", He exclaimed, making her cry as she ran away from shame.

Gaeul's head is bandaged and the rest of his teammates are now scared of him as he isn't eating, nor is he in the mood to play League... he was just sat there with a glare on his face.

"I'm so not used to this", Geonyeong whispered.

"None of us are", Yuta told him.

Geonyeong was brave enough to put food in front of the silent midlaner and walked away slowly as if he would become prey to Gaeul's seething rage that is currently boiling up in his body.

The staff came back a little earlier for revenge, now with a knife in her hand and this made the members panic as Gaeul wasn't moving from his place...


He stood up.

The moment Gaeul stood up, the members felt like time has stopped.

They stood there in shock as they saw their midlaner retain the glare on his face, but was quick enough to shove the staff member's face towards the table, smashing the table from the impact.

The left side of the staff's face is now bleeding as she looked at him in shock.

"What? Want me to make it worse?", He asked, his face now expressionless.

Gaeul also managed to break the staff's nose from the impact and she sat there stunned and dropped the knife.

"You listen to me, and listen to me well", He started to talk, pulling her hair.

"When we leave this room, you stay away from us you hear me? I have filed a restraining order on you and it has been approved earlier... and word from CEO Umezaki, you are fired!", He continued, when he finished speaking, he took the knife from her side and left.

The DFM members couldn't help but laugh at her attempts, especially this one.

"Wow!! I've never seen him that mad before, good job! You now made it probably 100x harder for us because we have no idea how to fucking calm him down!!", Jiyoong told her and grabbed her by the collar and brought her to the office of the CEO.

"Here's the fired little bitch... Though I would say, her performance was truly outstanding I give it a Gaeul got pissed off out of 5 stars", He said and threw her towards his table.

Jiyoong managed to find Gaeul inside his room and the boy still looked angry.

"So... anything we can do to lessen your anger, hyung??", He asked.

"Leave me alone... that's what", Gaeul replied, too harsh for Jiyoong's liking.

"Okay geez, no need to get mad at me, I'm just tryna help", The support answered back as he slowly closed the midlaner's room door.

Jiyoong looked at the rest of the members in defeat and asked if anyone else has ideas.

"Wait... there's someone here he can't get mad at", Geonyeong said and pushed Ryo forward.

"I-I'll try my very best!", Ryo said, voice cracking from nervousness.

Ryo decided to bring ice cream and entered the midlaner's room.

"Niichan... I brought ice cream... might help to cool your head", He softly said.

Gaeul softened his glare and gave the youngest a small smile,
"Thank you Ryo-chan, I appreciate that", He said.

Ryo celebrated internally as he hands Gaeul the ice cream, smiling as the older boy eats it.

The other members who were watching outside let out a sigh of relief.

"I swear to God, if someone makes Gaeul that mad again, I'll kill them myself", Yuta said.

"I second that motion, I can finally sleep in peace", Haruhiko said, joining the members in celebrating this win against Gaeul's rage.

When they were sure that Gaeul was in the correct headspace again, they entered his room one by one.

"You good now yeah?", Jiyoong asked.

Gaeul shook his head,
"I was never good Ji... just that good at hiding my anger issues, yes we exist", He answered, laughing a bit after.

"That was impressive showing by the way Gaeul-ah, I never want to see it happen ever again", Haruhiko told him.

"Don't bet on it hyung", The midlaner replied, making Haruhiko panic again.

"... But I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't happen again", He continued, laughing harder when he saw the analyst let out a sigh of relief.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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