LPL: The man in my dreams (EDG) ✨

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Plot: Lijie has been having dreams lately about a person and didn't even bother about it but then he meets Y/N... And as it turns out they were lovers in their past life.
Pairing/s: Lijie (Jungler) x reader
Genre: Angst

For a while now Lijie has been having dreams about a person, and it's scaring him and chooses not to tell his teammates anything...

Because he believes he should focus on his career rather than finding out more about the dreams he's been having, it may be a waste of time for Lijie.

EDG has made it to playoffs after winning their match and Y/N was lucky enough to be chosen as the one to do fan service with the team, so with no hesitation they stood beside Lijie and Chunlan and created a heart with them.

"Okay for the next pose what will it be?", A caster asked Y/N.

Y/N showed the cat-ear pose that Ai Hoshino popularized and made all the members do it, while fans took pictures of them and after handed their gifts to the players.

After the event, Y/N was ecstatic, they finally got to pose with Lijie but he didn't seem ecstatic...

They noticed how hard the other was staring earlier like Lijie was trying to see if he knows Y/N. Which he kind of does...

In his dreams.

Y/N sighed and didn't let the thought bother them more.

When they got home they went straight to their room and their dog greeted them.

"Hey buddy!", Y/N beamed, their dog immediately throwing itself on their lap.

"Yeah I missed you too boy, I missed you too Jiejie"

Y/N is such a big Lijie fan that they named their dog after the boy's username.

As usual, Jiejie sleeps in Y/N's bed, cuddling up to his owner like they're gonna disappear the next morning without them knowing.

Y/N suddenly began thrashing on their bed and Jiejie immediately sprung into action, waking up his owner from the bad dream they're obviously having.

"Oh! Oh god!"

Y/N started crying and Jiejie was just giving them as much love as he could muster using four of his paws and his massive heart.

When Y/N calmed down, they properly hugged their Australian Shepherd pooch and fell asleep again, but this time no more nightmares for them.

"How are you? My love"

"I am well, my love"

"Have you met me yet?"

"No, I don't think I have..."

And Y/N woke up after that.

"I don't think you even wanted to meet me... My love", they muttered, Jiejie still peacefully asleep on their chest.

Lijie has finally woke up after Ye's consistent bothering to get the jungler out of his bed.

"Wake up sleepyhead! Or I'll go get coach here", Ye threatened, which made Lijie roll his eyes but eventually got himself out of the bed.

"You okay?", The support asked.

"You've been sleep talking lately", He added.

Lijie looked at him and shook his head,
"I find it hard to believe you", he said.

The older scoffed and shook his head,
"Fine, I'll record you next time"

Throughout the practice session, his dreams have been really bothering him... well more like they were distracting him but he'd have a nose as long as Pinocchio's if he said he wasn't curious...

But the person who was chosen after they won... They felt so familiar to Lijie, like they know them from somewhere.

"Okay Lijie, stay focused, you have more matches to win to get to WORLDS, bother about it after", He told himself, low enough so no one could hear.

"My love, are you there?"

"Yes I am dear... Why?"

"It seems like you have given up"

"I haven't, I promise, I'm still looking for you"

That phrase will definitely give Lijie a nose the same size as Pinocchio's.

Y/N was gardening their plants, Jiejie on the porch, playing with his toys while his owner does some chores.

Y/N then had to refill their watering can and they don't really like doing chores but they're trying to distract themselves because they're upset...

At what Lijie told them last night, because it was an obvious lie.

"So this is what happens when your lover in your past life becomes too busy to even search for you", They sighed as they gave up on filling the watering can and entering their house instead to watch some tv.

Jiejie decided to bring the calendar to his owner and Y/N looked at him weirdly when they noticed that it was on the page they marked for EDG's next match...

It was like Jiejie was reminding him.

"Sorry boy, but I don't think he wants to be with me, with us!", Y/N sadly said.

Jiejie just sat and lowly barked in sadness as well hearing the tone his owner used.

"I know, I'm sorry too mate", Y/N told their dog who wanted to be held.

Looks like the man in their dreams was found but won't be coming home.

"I'm sorry, my love"

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