LCK: Chosen to fly among the stars (T1)

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Plot: Prince Minhyeong was arranged to be married to an unknown royal, and ends up saving his life.
Pairing/s: Minhyeong (Bot) x Minseok (Support)
Genre: Fluff/Crack

Fantasy AU//

"Mom, do I really have to do this?!", Minhyeong exclaimed.

His mother turned to him with a disappointed look on her face and nodded,
"This royal is to die, Minhyeong. Their parents want to at least give their child a happy ending before they pass away", She said.

Minhyeong had a "What? Are you serious right now" look on his face and his mother just walked away.

He's about to meet this royal tomorrow and he cannot sleep so he's about to explode into a fit of anger probably thinking about how he will assassinate his parents and hide their bodies like a psychopath.

"Why me?! I'm not even the oldest!", He screamed in his pillow, he didn't even care that his blanket was on the floor due to his actions.

Minhyeong woke up the next day very early that he still wants to sleep but his mind says no so he decided to get up and start his day...

Even though he doesn't want to and wishes he can still fall asleep through the remaining hours he has today.

But alas, his Prince duties call.

"Prince Minhyeong! Thank goodness you're awake, you better get dressed, they're going to arrive soon", A maid tells Minhyeong.

Minhyeong politely smiles at her and when she's gone his smile fades, but he dresses up anyway, he doesn't want more problems to occur for him since this is already a big problem for him.

When he was ready, he went straight to the throne room and to his surprise everyone was already there.

"Damn, I thought I'll be first", Minhyeong muttered and stood beside his siblings.

"Your highnesses, I present... The Royal family of Saccharidia, the Ryu family"

When said family entered, Minhyeong looked for the "royal" that was said to be married to him but all of the children looked healthy.

"Good morning your highnesses, this is our son, Prince Minseok, he's the one to be married to Prince Minhyeong"

Minhyeong looked at the boy, and to him he didn't look sick at all... Or that's what he thought, at first.

Prince Minseok immediately collapsed as his family panicked and a sister of his rushed to get his supplies.

As for Minhyeong, concern washed over him as he rushed to catch the prince, and helped him stand back up.

"S-sorry", the other prince apologized.

"It's fine, your highness", Minhyeong said and smiled, not knowing why he was smiling...

Maybe this marriage thing won't be too bad.

Minseok was now attached to an IV drip and was carrying it around but Minhyeong decided to be a gentleman and helped the prince around.

"You don't have to you know, I can carry it myself", The shorter prince said.

"Well, we're gonna get married soon, so why not act like a good husband right now", Minhyeong said and Minseok giggled at this.

"Sure your highness, you're doing great", Minseok said after.

For once in Minseok's life, he doesn't feel like he's gonna die tomorrow, it's like Minhyeong has a spare energy tank and he's giving some to Minseok who looks like he finally found his will to live...

A will to finally fight this stupid disease of his.

"Alright damn, let's do this then", Minseok told himself as he got out of bed and did his morning routine by himself which he usually needed a sibling or a helper to assist him...

But those drawers just has to remind him of his height.

"Here", And Minseok almost had a heart attack suddenly hearing Minhyeong behind him.

"Sorry", The taller prince immediately said and handed Minseok the cleanser he was reaching for.

The whole day, their parents noticed how close the two were becoming.

"How adorable", Minhyeong's father said, the other three agreeing with him.

"It's nice seeing Minseok this alive", Minseok's mother said.

"Usually he's tired but now no, he looks like he's actually having fun", She added, and this made Minhyeong's mother tear up hearing how her son helped Minseok this much in such a short period of time...

And because of this, the next day Minseok was said to be clear and that he didn't carry the disease anymore and was gonna live.

"Thank you for saving me, Minhyeong-ah", Minseok smiled.

"Of course, my love", Minhyeong smiled back as he gave his now husband a sweet kiss as the two live happily ever after.

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