LCK: Not the Pack Alpha (T1)

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Plot: Who is T1's Pack Alpha?
Hint: It's not Sanghyeok.
Pairing/s: N/A
Genre: Crack

Wooje has been trying not to laugh for the past 15 minutes, Jinhyeok, Jaehyuk, and Jihoon are all trying to guess the Pack Alpha of each Qualified team, and Jihoon refuses to say who's GEN's so they moved on to T1 and all collectively agreed that Sanghyeok is the pack Alpha...

But Wooje knows he's not, because Sanghyeok is not even an Alpha...

The LoL goat actually presented as an Omega.

Ever since Sanghyeok has presented, he always made sure to wear scent blockers, but due to his aura, people mostly guessed that he's an Alpha or perhaps a Beta...

He's none of those and he never heard anyone guess that he's an Omega.

He's not ashamed at all of his status but he doesn't want to risk anything at all so he wears scent blockers quite a lot, and only recently trusted his team enough to actually not wear them when they're alone as a team.

"Why you giggling?", Minseok asked the youngest.

"They all collectively agreed that Hyeokkie-hyung is our Pack Alpha", Wooje muttered.

"Pfft... Hyeokkie-hyung is not even an Alpha", Minseok muttered back.

Wooje nodded and said that it's the point.

Sanghyeok came back with the coach and saw his two teammates smirking at the other three.

"What's going on?", He asked after approaching them.

"You're aura is too strong hyung that no one ever guessed right", Minseok laughed.

The midlaner looked at the other three and immediately got what the support meant.

"Ahh... so they think I'm pack Alpha?", He whispered on Wooje's ear.

Wooje looked at him and nodded, and Sanghyeok hid his face behind the youngest to laugh.

Coach Jeonggyun then gathered all of them and they all went to their van.

"So... the three of us had a talk and we just want to make sure of this even if in our hearts we are already so sure...", Jaehyuk started.

"Sanghyeok-nnim... are you T1's pack Alpha?", Jihoon continued, dropping the question.

Sanghyeok was sat at the back and with a smile on his face, he shook his head.

"What...", Jinhyeok said, his face blank in confusion.

"Our Hyeokkie-hyung is pack Omega, and our Alphas in the team are considered too young so Hyeokkie-hyung portrayed both, but he's an Omega", Minseok revealed.

The three sat back down in shock, still processing that Sanghyeok is an Omega.

"My life has been a lie", Jaehyuk thought in his head.

"We know it's quite shocking since he only opened up about this last year, I mean we get it, we were surprised too", Wooje told them.

"Not even his old teammates knew?", Jinhyeok asked.

"Only Seungwoong-hyung, when he became our coach, but for the rest... no", Wooje answered.

The whole ride was then filled with the three bombarding Sanghyeok with questions which Sanghyeok happily answered to, since none of them asked inappropriate questions.

"Hearing his answers makes me want to become an Omega!", Jihoon whined.

"Being an Alpha is boring... but thank God, Hyunjoon-hyung now holds that title", He added, not realizing he dropped the name of the Alpha who became the new Pack Alpha of GEN after Jaehyuk left.

"Y'all really replaced me with Hyunjoon?!", Jaehyuk said, in absolute shock.

Jihoon then looked at the adc in horror and just giggled.

"Yeah...", he muttered.

And throughout their exchange, Sanghyeok was just wearing a proud expression...

Looks like he can be comfortable enough to not wear scent blockers around them too.

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