LPL: I missed you (IG + WBG)

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Plot: Chengwei and Yuanhao were once teammates, but after WORLDS 2021, they weren't anymore... and now fate leads them to meet again under the stars.
Pairing/s: Chengwei (IG Mid, former RNG Mid) x Yuanhao (WBG Mid, former RNG Top)
Genre: Fluff

Chengwei was sat by himself under a tree, throwing rocks at the sea, his phone turned off and at this very moment he is just existing.

They manage to get another win after the struggles and he's happy, to say the least... but he does wish he performs consistently and suddenly remembers how he was considered the weak link in RNG by fans even if his members were telling him he was just as important as they were.

"Sure you may make mistakes, but we do too"

"You're a great player, don't let others tell you otherwise, most of those bitches haven't even hit challenger"

"You're important Chengwei, the team needs you"

He just let out a sigh as memories replay themselves inside his head.

"Fancy seeing you here"

Chengwei didn't have to look behind him to know who the owner of the voice was.

"Hello to you as well, Yuanhao-ge", He softly said, still throwing rocks.

Yuanhao giggled at this and pulled the younger back, making Chengwei lean on his chest.

"I missed you, you know that", The older boy said.

"I don't think you did", Chengwei said, his tone icy and spiky.

Yuanhao giggled again and took the rock that Chengwei was holding and threw it himself.

The two just sat there, Chengwei trying not to fall asleep because he does feel comfortable in their position right now, but he refuses to do so.

"How do you do it gege?", He asked.

"Do what, Chengwei?", Yuanhao asked.

"How do you be consistent?", Chengwei asked again.

"Xiaowei, how many times do we need to have this conversation? You're doing fine", the older midlaner said, surprising Chengwei with a nickname he hasn't heard in a while.

Chengwei remained quiet for a while and this surprised Yuanhao so when he looked at the boy laying on his chest he wasn't expecting a crying Chengwei.

"Hey shh... I mean it Xiaowei", The older mentioned and suddenly Chengwei shot up from his position.

"I couldn't even be kept! How am I doing fine?!", He asked, tears flowing down his eyes like a river, and Yuanhao hates to admit, but he finds the younger boy a little too pretty, especially when he embodies his ign, aka when he's actually crying.

"It's not my decision... I wanted you to be kept. That's why when you left I role swapped back to mid... I didn't want anyone else to fill your position, so I did it myself", Yuanhao admitted, and suddenly time stopped for them.

"Wh-what?", Chengwei stuttered.

"You heard me the first time... Xiaowei. And I meant that", the older midlaner said.

Chengwei looked down and forced himself to stop crying, until only the hiccups remained.

"I-I missed you too, Xiaohu-ge", He softly said and Yuanhao smiled softly at the boy as he had him lay down on his chest once again.

"Aren't you gonna go home? You've been out here for a while", Yuanhao asked.

Chengwei shook his head,
"They're used to it, and besides my teammates are shopping right now inside the mall, I've done my shopping and put the bags inside the car, I'm just waiting for them", he said.

Yuanhao nodded and when he looked back at the mall, he saw Chengwei's members.

"Well, they're back", he muttered.

Chengwei quickly detached himself to Yuanhao and asked if he wanted to ride with them.

"Sure", Yuanhao said with a smile.

The rest of IG knew not to question why the infamous "Xiaohu" would ride with them...

When they saw where he sat, and it was right beside their midlaner.

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