LPL: Save me, brothers (OMG)

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Plot: Third prince An is arranged to marry a princess... his brothers decide to try and get him out of his misery.
Pairing/s: N/A (Platonic sibling relationships)
Genre: Crack

"Zhi-ge, watch this", An said as he threw a rock towards the castle's high tower and hit the window at the very top, making a small crack on the window.

Zhichun glared at his brother and sighed,
"Congrats bro, next time you should throw a bigger rock so you can actually destroy the window", He nonchalantly said and left.

An rolled his eyes after his brother left, then spotted a big rock and threw it as well...

He didn't destroy the window but he did hit a bird.

"Nice throw your highness", A butler commented.

An got a little shy and gave him a small smile and thanks.

It's been a week since their parents announced An's engagement to a princess from another Kingdom...

And An will finally meet her today...

And he's actually mortified because he's never had a significant other before.

"I'm gonna shit myself", He muttered.

"We'd prefer if you don't, brother", Jian said, patting the older on the back.

"That's easy for you to say, you're the youngest... I don't even know this princess, I'd rather marry Zhichun-ge instead", An told him.

"I'd rather not", Zhichun sassed and An just glared at him.

The Princess has arrived and An swore his jaw dropped to the floor...

But it was for reasons so unexpected.

"Is she drunk?", An asked Zijian, the fourth prince who stood behind him.

"I think so", The younger whispered back.

An then saw the Princess walk towards them and crouched behind Jian, trying to hide.

"Where's my prince?", She asked.

An looked at his siblings in desperation and they all worked together to hide him.

"Oh... An is still asleep, he's not feeling well you see", Peng lied as Zhichun helped the younger prince escape.

When they reached An's room, Zhichun quickly shoved him inside and told him to "act sick" and left.

An just sighed but did what his older brother said and lay down on the bed and pretended to be miserable.

The princes were lucky that their parents weren't home because they won't be able to do what they did if they were there.

"I never realized that it's that difficult to cover for someone", Peng said, the oldest prince felt like he was going to faint since he was made to dance with An's fiancee due to An's "absence" and only managed to get away from her when she went to grab a drink.

"Shit she's coming back, bye bitches!", He silently screamed as he ran off to his own bedroom.

The Princess then noticed that Peng was gone so she decided to choose Zijian as her next dance partner.

Zijian smiled at her but then quickly looked back to where Jian was sitting and made a "save me please" face.

The youngest gave him a smirk instead as Jian also left.

"Fuck you!", Zijian mouthed to the youngest who had his back turned to him.

Zhichun was back in An's bedroom and brought his brother's food.

"Eat", he said.

An, who actually fell asleep earlier groaned in annoyance.

"No", he said.

"She's still downstairs dancing with Zijian, I can bring her here", the older threatened and suddenly An is sat up with a glare on his face as he walked over to the older, but shorter prince and took the tray from his hands.

"Fuck off!", An lowly growled and the older prince just rolled his eyes before leaving.

The Princess then got tired and decided to leave Zijian in the dance floor.

"Wonder where she's going?", The fourth prince thought as he silently followed her...

Turns out he's about to have his lungs busted as the Princess managed to find An's room.

Zijian smirked as she turned the knob and opened the door, revealing a screaming An.

"Are you my prince?", She asked.

An, who fell off his bed, aggressively shook his head.

"B-but you're An... right? I have asked the names of all the princes here and you're the only one I haven't seen yet... you must be him!", She stated.

An sighed and stood up, and just nodded in defeat.

"I KNEW IT! COME HERE!", She squealed as she pulled him for a kiss...

An didn't enjoy it because her breath smelt like a spoiled blueberry pie.

It was the next day and An brushed his teeth twice in the morning, trying to get rid of the weird sensation of the princess kissing him.

"So... what happened?", Zijian asked, startling An as he suddenly appeared behind him.

"She fucking kissed me and it was bad because her breath stinks", The third prince said with a deadpan expression.

They were now all gathered for breakfast and much to An's dismay he had to sit right beside Zhichun.

"I heard you weren't feeling well yesterday, An dear", The Queen said.

"Unfortunately", An said, feigning innocence as he looks like he regrets not showing up yesterday...

Even if he didn't and his siblings know this.

"Oh, so who danced with the Princess?", The King asked, Jian gave him a weird look like he cared more about the Princess having a dance partner rather than his own son getting "sick".

"Me and Zijian", Peng answered, silently muttering the word "unfortunately," after so their father wouldn't hear.

"How was she?", the King asked again.

"She's fine, but in terms of manners, Zhichun-ge is much more of a princess than she is", Jian said.

The King didn't like that answer.

"What?! You dare to judge my pick for your brother?", He exclaimed.

"... Yes", Zhichun answered.

This made him even more mad as he stormed off, not before screaming: "AN WILL GET MARRIED TO HER AFTER THIS WEEK"

After the King stormed off, An just wanted to eat his feet.

"FUCK THIS!", He screamed as he proceeded to hide below the table and pretended to be dust.

"An, dear... get out of there please", The Queen said.

An didn't want to so he had Peng relay his message which practically said...

"No... I'm not getting out of here"

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