LJL: Let you go (DFM)

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Plot: Y/N is DFM's manager, Gaeul's older sibling, and Geonyeong tries to find a way to get the midlaner's approval after Gaeul openly says he doesn't want any of the members to date his older sibling... And it's because Gaeul likes Geonyeong.
Pairing/s: Geonyeong (Jungler) x Reader/Geonyeong (Jungler) x Gaeul (Mid)
Genre: Angst/Fluff

Every member that is part of the DFM LoL team is seated around, ready to film a content for the DFM youtube channel.

As the staff were explaining the rules of the game they're going to play, the siblings sat beside each other.

Gaeul, DFM's midlaner and Y/N's younger brother.

Y/N, DFM LoL's manager and Gaeul's older sibling.

"Okay first question... Aria-seishu, which DFM member are you gonna allow to date your older sibling?"

Everyone's eyes fell on the midlaner as Gaeul contemplates his answer and Y/N knew it's not gonna be good when they saw a playful smirk on his face.

"Nobody, your honor", He confidently said.

Sighs were heard from everyone and
Y/N just laughed at the younger's antics.

"It's because Gaeullie here is still a baby and is scared to lose an older sibling",
Y/N teased, which earned a hard glare from Gaeul.

"Y'all heard about protective older brothers... Now we have a protective younger brother here", Coach Haruhiko teased.

Everyone joined in on teasing Gaeul which elicited reactions no one was expecting from the boy.

"I know their ideal type, none of you fit!", Gaeul sassily said, shocking everyone in the room...

And damn did Y/N feel proud right now, who knew their younger brother inherited their sassiness.

After filming, the siblings were found on Gaeul's room, watching random videos on Y/N's phone.

"You really exploded earlier huh", Y/N giggled, Gaeul didn't say anything back and just nuzzled clozer to his older sibling.

"But you are aware I like Geonyeong, right?", Y/N added, and Gaeul slowly nodded his head.

It's hard when you and your sibling like the same guy and your sibling doesn't know...

Because they were brave enough to tell you after they became the manager but Gaeul wasn't brave enough to tell them he liked a teammate after he joined the team...

Which was two years ago.

Geonyeong is a little disappointed with what Gaeul said earlier, he likes Y/N, he really does, but now he knows that he needs to win the little brother's heart and show him he can take care of his older sibling.

Y/N is a 99-liner, a year younger than Geonyeong, and a year older than Gaeul.

"Hmm, how do I win Gaeul's heart?", Geonyeong asked himself.

The jungler found the midlaner all alone in the kitchen eating what it seems to be cake.

"So... what's your older sibling's ideal type?", He asked.

Gaeul almost choked on his food after hearing Geonyeong's voice.

"Shit, do I tell him or should I let him figure it out?? The latter!", Gaeul thought in his head.

"Well... They find people who steal pentakills attractive", He said.

"Wait but I stole a pentakill... Are you sure I don't fit?", Geonyeong asked.

"I don't know, I haven't thought about you yet, lemme think", Gaeul said...

Knowing well he doesn't want to because he's well aware that Geonyeong fits.

Y/N noticed that Gaeul has been acting quite weird lately and felt panged when they saw a content inside Gaeul's secret diary...

They shouldn't have read it but they were so curious and their brother is out buying snacks to restock the mini fridge.

"Dear diary, it's my first day as a DFM member and I already like my jungler... He's so nice with a touch of naughtiness ya know, he taught me how to be an a-hole it's not great that he did that but since I'm cute I get away with it" - 2021

"Dear diary, I have officially fallen for Geonyeong-hyung" - 2021

"Dear diary... How do you let go?" - 2023

"Dear diary, okay thanks... I'll try to move on" - 2023

Gaeul came back from the convenience store and saw Geonyeong again.

"Hey Gaeullie", The older greeted.

"So, what do you think?", He asked.

Gaeul sighed and he didn't want to, but he did tell his diary he'll try to move on...

Now he shall do it.

"You fit, they'd love you", He said, a smile plastered on his face.

Geonyeong was happy when he heard that and went to find Y/N, but to his surprise Y/N looked delighted when he confessed but Y/N said they'll go find Gaeul first.

"Gaeul-ah!", Y/N called, seeing their younger brother on the porch looking very melancholic.

"So, did you say yes?", Gaeul asked.

"Nah not yet... Because I know you like him too Gaeullie", Y/N said.

"I shouldn't have but I was cleaning earlier and saw your diary and I got curious, I'm sorry", They added.

Gaeul suddenly looked pale and wanted to run away.

"It didn't feel right to me to say yes knowing you're gonna get hurt", the older said.


"But he likes you too"

Y/N stopped rambling when they heard what he said.

"I know that but-"

"He likes you too"

"Please don't think about me... He likes you too, I didn't want to gatekeep him because he likes you too, I maybe a little shit sometimes but I'm not so much of an asshole to keep him from the person he loves, knowing said person likes him too, because I love you two, so please, don't keep him waiting, I'll be fine Y/N", Gaeul said.

Y/N is now so troubled and doesn't know what to do.

"I'll be fine, I mean it, please, don't keep him waiting", The younger added.

"I love you too Gaeullie", Y/N said as they took a deep breath before leaving to find the jungler and was a little surprised to see Geonyeong where they left him.

"Geonyeong-ssi, I like you too but I have a mini request to make", They began speaking.

"Sure, anything for you", Geonyeong smiled.

"Please take care of Gaeullie, I can't be in the gaming house all the time so can you do that for me?", They asked.

Geonyeong beamed and nodded his head,
"Of course, I've always wanted a little brother and always saw him as one", he said.

And Y/N felt the pain for Gaeul when they heard Geonyeong's statement for him.

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