LCK: Junglers are just second supports (KDF)

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Plot: If there's one thing everyone knows about Youngjae, is that he is very vocal with his feelings. Especially as a jungler.
Pairing/s: Youngjae (Jungler) x Sejun (Support)
Genre: Angst/Fluff

As much as Youngjae wants to carry. He is sure that's not the path he was meant to lead. Sure he has his moments and he also earns his POG points, but most of the time he feels like a second support instead of the team's main initiator.

He will admit, his coach's babbling gets tiring, especially when they play the later games, which means he's tired and doesn't want to hear what he could've done to either:

1. Not die
2. Keep his teammates alive
3. Time his smite correctly

He knows it's not always his fault when they lose, but he feels like their coach is taking the extra mile of making him feel like it's his by guilt-tripping him after matches... Win or lose.

"You okay?", He heard the captain ask.

Youngjae looked at Sejun who had concern written all over his face after he witnessed their jungler get scolded for a game that wasn't his fault.

"Could be better", The younger said, trying to smile and at the same time trying not to cry in front of Sejun.

Sejun gave him a small sad smile and patted his back,
"Let's go home yeah?", He said as he picked up the younger's backpack, grabbed said younger and headed to the team's bus.

While on the way home, Youngjae was in deep thought. He thought about a lot of things in his 20 years being alive on this stupid planet called "Earth" but one thought ended all his other thoughts.

"Are junglers just second supports?".

He was so deep in thought that Sejun managed to catch him off-guard and decided to act playful with the 02-liner by giving him a very unexpected kiss on the cheeks.

"Ah! What the- Hyung that's not funny huhu", Youngjae screamed with a pout, grabbing the attention of everyone inside the bus and the next thing the other members knew was that he was basically going to kill Sejun by trying to strangle him with his bare hands but failing miserably because the support is stronger than him.

Youngjae finally accepted defeat but didn't stop glaring at the older boy.

"You know Jae-ah, being a support is not that bad", Sejun smiled.

The younger man nodded and mentioned that he indeed "knew that!" and just resumed being consumed by his own thoughts.

Youngjae could think of things why Junglers and Supports are different but he could also think of reasons why the roles are strikingly similar...

And he fucking hates it.

"I want to carry a game too, I WANT TO CARRY A GAME TOO!", He screamed in his pillow as tears flowed out of his brown eyes and cried himself to sleep.

The jungler woke up like he was part of some sort of war in his dreams as his hair was messy AF, his clothes looked like they weren't ironed at all (it was actually), all in all, Youngjae looked like an absolute MESS.

But he didn't really care as he went to have breakfast with the others and saw the shocked look on his coach when he saw how much of a mess he looked.

"This is your fucking fault mate", He wanted to say, but only resorted with the casual "resting bitch face" to keep his place on the team.

"When will you be proud of me... Coach Daeho?", He lowly asked himself as he began to eat.

Practice sessions have begun and Youngjae just wanted to melt and perish... like RIGHT NOW, if possible.

Coach Daeho entered the gaming room and watched every single player closely, and Youngjae just felt the older's burning eyes probably judging every single play he's doing, or probably just judging him because he's breathing type of ordeal.


And Youngjae was doing so well until he heard that voice and suddenly positioned worse than a napkin and gave the enemy a big fat shutdown.

He was about to cry... he was about to cry, but he refuses to cry in front of Coach Daeho... Not again.

"How many times do I have-"

And there's that stupid voice again, scolding Youngjae left and right, making sure he has no more ounce of confidence left in his tank.

After the practices were over, Youngjae bolted for the door, he couldn't take this anymore and needed to cool off before his coach loses a head.

He didn't realize that Sejun ran after him and stopped him in the middle of a busy street.

"What?!", Youngjae harshly said and regret came pooling inside his heart when he realized who he screamed at.

Sejun saw the quick reaction change from the younger and pulled him for a tight hug.

"I'll come with you, wherever you want to go, I know you want to be alone, but I'd prefer if you'd keep me as your company", The older said, and his words hit Youngjae like a truck as the younger collapses on him and starts crying.

"Thank you hyung! Thank you so much!", He cried as he clung to Sejun, scared that the older might leave him.

If being a support means you could be a great person like Sejun, then Youngjae doesn't have a problem playing like a 2nd support, and letting his other teammates carry while he grabs them the objectives.

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