LPL: Complete my day (LNG) ✨

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Plot: What do you need to do to make Yechan's day complete?? It's simple... Be Y/N.
Pairing/s: Yechan (Mid) x reader
Genre: Fluff

Little AU//


Yechan flinched so hard that he almost threw his phone by accident.

"What the hell, Wei?!", He scolded the botlaner.

"Sorry... We've been calling you for the past 30 minutes and you've been so caught up on what you're doing that you don't hear us", The younger calmly explained.

Yechan sighed and put his phone down,
"Fine, what is it that you need me urgently?", He asked.

"Y/N is here"

Wei let out a giggle as he watched the midlaner run after he told him that Y/N was here...

He shouldn't be surprised anymore though since it's natural for Yechan to act like an excited child when his teammates mention the love of his life.

Oh how he wish he has as much courage as Yechan who actually confessed to his crush. Meanwhile Wei is just pining from a far.

"Y/N!!", Yechan greeted happily as he jumped towards his lover's awaiting arms.

"Hi buddy!!", Y/N greeted back. They're aware Yechan hates that nickname but right now Yechan is too happy to care.

The rest of LNG watched in awe and a tiny bit of jealousy, but they'd be lying if they say they weren't happy for the old man to finally have someone he can call his.

"Wanna go home?", Y/N asked, and didn't noticed that Yechan disappeared but quickly came back with his stuff and nodded his head.

"Damn I thought Yechan-hyung was supposed to be a boyfriend... not a son", Seungyong joked.

"It's fine, I'm used to this", Y/N giggled as they gave Yechan a piggyback as they carried him to their car.

"I'll remember what you said about me Lee Seungyong! You are so dead tomorrow", Yechan said, looking at Seungyong dead in the eye.

"Yeah yeah, whatever old man! Have fun", Seungyong said and Yechan just raised a middle finger at him before his teammates were officially out of his sight.

When they got home, Y/N set the table for them and they cooked Yechan's favorite dishes before they left to pick him up.

Yechan was already sat at his place and was giggling like a little child.

"I love youuuu~", He said, giving Y/N a sweet kiss on the cheeks.

"I know honey, I love you too. Now go eat so you can sleep", Y/N said and the two began to eat.

Y/N was aware that Seungyong is right, that Yechan acts more like their son rather than their boyfriend and honestly, Y/N doesn't really care.

They want Yechan to be comfortable around them and they knew that Yechan didn't really have a very good childhood so they let him act like a child with them whenever he wants to...

There's no shame in being little sometimes.

"Yechannie is finished!!"

As long as it's Yechan, Y/N will smile.

Yechan decided he wanted to shower before he sleeps so he did just that and when he came out, he daw that the love of his life already prepared his clothes for him.

The midlaner then lay down on his bed and called Y/N.

"So do you want stories or a song?", Y/N asked.

"Story please", Yechan said as he hugged his teddy bear.

Y/N decided to tell him the story about the 'Tortoise and the Hare' and they didn't even get to finish as they heard Yechan's soft snores meaning the midlaner has already fallen asleep...

And Y/N might combust because their boyfriend has fallen asleep with a smile on his face and he sleep talks too, Y/N just happened to hear a sentence before completely leaving the room.

"I w-wuv Y/N... t-th-ey compwete Yechannie's day"

Yeah okay Y/N really feels like they're going to combust now.

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