LPL: How we became (BLG) ✨

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Plot: Up until now Y/N still hasn't gotten a partner and is pretty sure they will stay single their whole life... but it turns out love is found with a man named Zebin.
Pairing/s: Zebin (BLG Top) x Reader
Genre: Fluff

Zebin is known to be quite the territorial type, he'll smash you to the ground if you touch his friends inappropriately...

And it's one of the traits that women and men alike adore from him.

They think it's sexy how protective Zebin can be sometimes.

Y/N is an exchange student from *insert reader's home country here* and is quite terrified of Zebin.

They find him intimidating but will admit that he is charming and does find his characteristics attractive.

Y/N remembers their first meeting like it was yesterday.

"Okay class, settle down now. We have a new student in this class"

"Hi, my name is Y/N and I'm from*insert reader's home country here* I hope we can be friends"

"Okay Y/N, you can sit at the seat behind Zebin, Zebin please raise your hand"

Then Zebin raises his hand and Y/N sits behind him, but it's the aura that Zebin emits that scared Y/N.

Y/N is not the type to make enemies but somehow they unintentionally made some in LPL University...

"Hey new kid!"

Y/N turned to their side and saw 4 girls walking towards them.

"Umm, can I help you?", They asked, their voice a little shaky.

"Yeah! Stay away from Zebin! He's mine! I know you sit behind him but I'll literally chop your ears off if you do as much as talk to him!", The tall blonde girl told them.

"That's fine, I'm asexual anyways, it's not like I'll fall in love", Y/N smoothly lied.

The girl scoffed and left with her friends.

Unfortunately for Y/N, Zebin heard everything.

"You okay?", He softly asked.

"Yeah, now if you don't mind, I don't want my ears to get chopped off", Y/N said as they turned to leave but Zebin stopped them.

"Look... about the girl earlier, I don't like her, she has a shit attitude and I've rejected her about 20 times already but won't move on... I don't want you to be scared of her since she's no real threat", Zebin said, then ruffled Y/N's hair before leaving.

After their little interaction at the hallway, Y/N swore they're gonna lose their ears, because Zebin has been including them in almost everything.

- Zebin chose Y/N as a partner in a group assignment.

- Zebin taught Y/N a lesson when they're obviously struggling, he also sat next to Y/N for this

- Zebin was joking around with Y/N like they've known each other for years...

But then she had to arrive and break them off...

"What is the meaning of this?!"

She harshly pulled Y/N's hair and called them a bunch of slurs but wasn't expecting Zebin to punch her in the face.

"L-love??", She asked, tears prickling her eyes.

"How many times? HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY "NO" FOR YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE?!", Zebin exclaimed.

"B-but I love you", She reasoned.

"FUCK YOUR LOVE! I DON'T NEED SOMEONE WHO WHORES AROUND TO BE MY PARTNER! I WANT TO BE THE ONE TO DISCOVER", Zebin added and kicked her in the shin, making the experience for her more painful.

Y/N stood there in shock and actually found this amusing and knows that she deserves this...

The amount of rejection she got from one man.

Y/N never had a partner before, and whoever they told this information to, they never truly believed them.

"Right, and I'm the reincarnation of Moses", Lixun said, laughing after, but then lost the laughter after they didn't see Y/N smile.

"Sorry... it's just difficult to believe that", Jiahao said, sort of saving Lixun's ass from getting clapped by Zebin.

And Y/N knows that, it's just that, they've never truly grasped the concept of love before, because they rarely found time for it because Y/N has so many interests that don't really revolve around it.

If you tell the Y/N from 8 months ago that they'll finally find a partner and actually feel what "love" feels like, they'll never believe you.

"All I cared about when I was in highschool is whether or not my classmates find me annoying... and esports", They revealed.

"Esports?! Love why'd you never told me this piece of information before?", Zebin asked them, feeling a little betrayed.

"You've never asked, love", Y/N giggled.

"So that's why you're so chill when I'm playing, you actually enjoy it", Zebin said, having a moment of realization.

Y/N simply nodded and since that was the last question they both did the outro and turned off the livestream...

What a day to talk about how they got together.

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