LPL: Your favorite flowers (OMG)

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Plot: Y/N is a very enthusiastic person and their enthusiasm is contagious. Zhichun has feelings for Y/N, and it's killing him.
Pairing/s: Zhichun (Botlaner) x reader/An (Jungler) x reader
Genre: Angst

College AU//

"Zhichun-ge!! Hurry up!!"

Zhichun felt like he's gonna have a migraine after being pulled out of bed by Y/N.

"I'm up!! I'm up!!", He said, stopping the other from shaking his bed violently.

"Okay good, now get ready!! Or we're gonna get killed by Mr. Shang", Y/N said as they left their roommate to get ready.

After Zhichun was ready, he caught his roommate happily singing and dancing outside of their bedroom as they prepared their stuff.

"I thought we're gonna be late Y/N", He teased and saw Y/N blush madly and throw a couch pillow at him.

"So mean..."

"Says the person who dragged me out of bed! It's barely 7 am", The older said as he pointed to the clock and just saw Y/N make a face at them.

When everything was ready, they both went to the campus and was just in time...

Even if Zhichun wanted his extra 10 mins of sleep, which he won't be able to get after he enters his classroom.

"Hello class!"

"Why does she have to be 20 mins early??", Zhichun asks himself, wondering why his first professor is always early.

Zhichun found her subject boring but he tried his best to understand and keep up with what she's teaching.

It's his fault anyways, for taking Industrial Engineering just because he had more friends here, even if he really wanted to quit school and become a professional league player, since he's been in Challenger for a while now...

But alas, we all can't have our ways all the time.

After their first class, Zhichun suddenly felt something at the back of his throat, like he's gonna throw up so he got up from his seat and ran towards the male bathroom.

He pushed an empty stall and suddenly began vomiting... but it wasn't normal vomit much to Zhichun's dismay, because he knows what it is and he doesn't like what it means.

Zhichun was vomiting flowers... Y/N's favorites too, which means that he's stuck in unrequited love, so now he'll have to decide whether to receive surgery or just let himself die.

Break time arrived and Y/N pulled the older with them towards the cafeteria.

"What do you want Zhichun-ge?", They asked.

"I-I'm not that hungry Y/N I'll just go find us a seat", Zhichun lied as he escaped from Y/N's grasp, and when he looked back the younger looked quite sad.

"I'm sorry Y/N", He thought to himself.

After Y/N got their food, they sat where Zhichun was and of course their table got crowded immediately due to
Y/N being the popular student.

And then Zhichun saw it... He saw why he couldn't have Y/N...

Y/N looked at a boy like how he looked at Y/N. There was no denying it, Y/N liked An... One of Zhichun's classmates.

Y/N then went with An after and didn't even pay mind to their friend who coughed out a rose petal.

"Suddenly I'm not here", Zhichun muttered and left the cafeteria... then proceeded to run to the bathroom again to cough up more flowers, this time they were daffodil petals.

"Yeah... I'm so getting the surgery", He told himself.

When they got back in the dorm, Y/N was surprised why their roommate wasn't back, they then checked their phone and wanted to cry at the messgae Zhichun sent.

"I already packed my things, An said he'd be willing to switch with me, have fun with your new roomie Y/N, don't treat him like how you treated me okay, let the man have his sleep" - Zhichun.

"But I didn't want you to move out", Y/N sadly said as they went to bed feeling defeated.

Zhichun scheduled his surgery for the next day so he didn't go to school. Nobody knew he had Hanahaki nor did anybody know of his feelings for Y/N so he'll be fine...

Until he was bombarded by a bunch of text from Y/N asking where he was.

"Where are you gege? You weren't in class today"

"Please reply to me gege, I'm getting worried, so is everyone here... You're not telling me something"

"Yeah damn right I ain't", Zhichun thought to himself as he typed out...

"Don't worry about me, I just have a doctor's appointment"

"Oh okay, good to know... I thought you died or got kidnapped or smth"

"Thanks for being concerned but I don't need it right now", Zhichun thought to himself as he turned off his phone.

After the conversation with Zhichun,
Y/N was still worried, the older moved out and now he didn't tell them that he had a doctor's appointment, Y/N already knew that something was awry with Zhichun, and they're scared.

They're still not used to being alone in the dorms, well technically An is here but it feels off without Zhichun.

"You miss him don't you?", An asked.

"Nah mate, it's just... I'm not used to this yet, let me adjust for a bit okay", Y/N told him, An just nodded and went back inside his room.

2 days later, Zhichun was back in school and Y/N was so excited to see him.

"Zhichun-ge hi!!", They excitedly greeted and ran to the elder to hug them, but they didn't feel the older boy hug back.

"Gege? Hello, earth to Zhichun-ge?", Y/N then said waving their arms around Zhichun's face until...

"I'm sorry, but who are you?"

And Y/N felt like they got punched to the gut so hard that they'll throw up.

"Oh... I was your roommate before",
Y/N slowly said trying not to cry as they retreated back to their dorm.

Y/N was quite thankful that An isn't back from his classes yet so they used this time to cry because for some reason Zhichun had forgotten all about them, then the doorbell rang.

"Yes excuse me is this Y/N's dorm?"

Y/N nodded their head and took the bouquet from the delivery guy and closed the door, they have no idea who sent this but it did come with a letter...

Dear Y/N,

Hi! I just want to say now before my surgery that I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I was a coward and that I can't face you nor tell you about my true feelings for you. I was debating before whether or not to get the surgery after I heard that I'll not only forget about my feelings for you, but I'll forget you as well, so I wrote this letter in advance and left it in my hospital room with this letter inside an envelope and wrote the address to your dorm.

I didn't want to tell you this because I know you would've felt guilty for probably not liking me back so I didn't because you're not at fault here, you can't control who you like... So I hope if I come back and I don't know you anymore, I hope you can forgive me.

Love, Zhichun-ge

The tears didn't stop anymore after
Y/N read the letter, and the bouquet was consisted as well of their favorite flowers. Red roses, daffodils, and most of all... Forget me nots, but Zhichun chose to forget them so they can live and Y/N understood why, they didn't have feelings for Zhichun so why does this hurt for them...

Maybe it's because Y/N already saw him as family and didn't need him to become something more than their friend to have a big impact on Y/N's life.

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