LPL: Highly photogenic (LNG)

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Plot: Y/N was a cameraman working for the LPL, so when it was time to take LNG's photos, they felt like their heart was racing so quickly when it was Yechan's turn... and it didn't help that the pictures were great.
Pairing/s: Yechan (Mid) x reader
Genre: Fluff/Crack

Y/N was in position as they took shots of the players for the LPL Summer split, and they will admit, the players, they looked great and they made sure that everyone will get their best shot possible, to avoid getting memed on by the fans.

"Call LNG please, this team is almost done", Y/N told the others, and when the last shot is done, they wiped the lenses a bit and got ready for the next team...

Which happens to have Yechan on the team... who is also Y/N's ideal type.

They were fine with the first two members but when it was Yechan's turn, they suddenly felt like they forgot how to use a damn camera.

"Oops sorry", They said as Yechan was given a slight delay.

"Okay on 3... 1... 2... 3!"

And Y/N swore to the heavens that he just saw God, and he plays in the midlane... he is also Korean.

Joking aside, they felt like they were gonna short-circuit after they review the photos, Yechan just looked that great that it made him even more attractive.

"Fuck...", Y/N lowly cursed when they saw the pictures.

"Okay great! Mr. GALA, you are next", They said and called the next person, Yechan took a bow to the staff and Y/N was sad that the boy didn't even spare them a look.

They already got half the LPL teams finished but Y/N kept thinking about Yechan's photo, and why out of every LPL player in existence did they fall for Yechan... The Yechan that has so many fans that Y/N doesn't even know their placement in the "Yechan fanclub".

"Why couldn't I fall for someone like Zhichun?? Who am I kidding, he also has a lot of fans", Y/N thought to themself.

It was IG's turn and still, the only picture that Y/N wants to look at right now is Yechan's photo.

They want to print it, laminate it, even create a poster version, obsess over it, make very delulu scenarios in their head, and display said photo it in their house like some sort of psycho fan.

"This is gonna be the death of me", Y/N lowly said as Qifan got ready for his shot, so to keep Y/N motivated, they pretended that everyone was Yechan...

A great idea from our star pupil, use their crush as inspiration so we won't get bored while doing our work.

All teams were finished and Y/N was tired, exhausted even. They just want to go home and sleep for 3 days straight like some sort of selective vampire who is also an introvert...

But all the tiredness disappeared when Yechan was still there, and he was on focus.

"Hey Y/N", he greeted.

Oh right, they knew each other... Y/N is screwed.

"Hey Yechannie", They greeted back.

"Come on you can ride with us, we'll pass by your house anyways", The boy smiled.

Y/N happily nodded as they went with Yechan to the LNG bus.

"Oh by the way... your photos looked great", They mentioned.

"Of course they are, you took them!", Yechan beamed, hitting their shoulder.

Once sat in the bus, it was all peace and quiet, and Y/N peacefully slept while leaning on the windows.

Yechan on the other hand was itching to do something, he was like a little kid that is up to no good with how his facial expressions look...

But in reality he just wants to hold Y/N's hand, he wants to hold his best friend's hand and tell them something they've been keeping ever since they met, which was in elementary.

It's that he is scared of bus rides, since he got into an accident with his parents before when he was just a child and found it embarassing to tell them that they need a hand to hold every time they rode the bus, which is why Yechan usually sits with the coach.

Meanwhile Y/N is dreaming about Yechan's features and everything else, because for them... Yechan is very handsome and damn is he photogenic as well.

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