LPL: Cookies for my beloved (WBG) ✨

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Plot: Haushuan loves to bake cookies for Y/N... Even if they're already in the afterlife.
Pairing/s: Haushuan (Sub Jungler) x reader/Haushuan (Sub Jungler) x Seunglok (Top)
Genre: Angst/Fluff

Ghosts AU//

Y/N can't help but weep as they watch Haushuan bake cookies for them...

Well aware that they are dead and won't be able to taste them but are still watching over Haushuan because they promised.

"Love, I made your favorites!!", Haushuan happily called, expecting Y/N to excitedly run down the stairs.

Y/N had to watch him in pain... They heard his call, but they don't have a physical body anymore to do what Haushuan was expecting them to do.

"Oh... right", Haushuan said as he suddenly remembers everything as he drops the tray to the floor and curls up to a ball before sobbing.

"Oh love... I'm so sorry", Y/N said as they loomed over Haushuan, disappointed that they can't hug him because Haushuan wouldn't feel a thing because Y/N is a ghost.

Y/N didn't die from natural causes...

They were ran over by an 8-wheeler truck after accidentally getting pushed over by a 16-year old boy who was playing rough with a classmate.

Y/N was pronounced dead upon arrival in the hospital and Haushuan had a match that day so the hospital had troubles calling him since he was the first person in Y/N's contacts and had to learn about Y/N's death through Y/N's older sister...

Who let's say did not enjoy breaking the news to Haushuan after hearing the jungler's heartbreaking sobs.

Ever since then Haushuan was never the same, he was diagnosed with depression and fortunately was given the time to heal by WBG. His teammates visiting him time-to-time making sure he's okay.

His usual visitor is Seunglok and when Seunglok found him like that on the floor he felt really bad for their jungler...

He doesn't know what it feels like to lose somebody that important to you and seeing Haushuan like this, he didn't want to know.

"Shhh it's okay, I'm here, I'm here, Haushuan-ge", he said as he let the jungler clutch his jacket while crying excessively.

Y/N was thankful for Seunglok and the others, seeing them take care of Haushuan in their place makes their heart warm. Knowing how much Haushuan's teammates truly care for him...

But they still wish that they were there for Haushuan, to comfort him and tell him that everything would be alright...

However, Y/N knows they won't truly rest in peace unless Haushuan shows that he'll be alright without Y/N and has moved on from the event that happened 4 months ago.

"You want more members here?", Seunglok softly asked the crying man in his arms.

Haushuan shook his head and tried standing up but failed so Seunglok helped him up.

"You baked their favorite", Seunglok softly said.

Haushuan slowly nodded and Seunglok just pulled the other in a hug.

"Shh it's okay, you'll be fine, I'm here now", The toplaner muttered and Haushuan just nodded.

The two moved to Haushuan's bedroom and Seunglok was just holding the older boy in fear that if he lets go, Haushuan lets go of his life and Seunglok doesn't want that and is so sure that wherever Y/N is right now, they wouldn't want that as well.

"S-seunglok... What's your favorite cookie??", Haushuan softly asked.

"It might trigger something though gege", Seunglok told him, not wanting to shock the jungler.

"I-It's fine... You're usually here to take care of me and I never bothered to make your favorites because I didn't know", the jungler softly said.

"His favorites are my favorites", Y/N wanted to tell him badly.

"Me and Y/N have the same favorite cookie", Seunglok admitted.

Haushuan looked at the younger boy in disbelief and thought that he might be joking, but there were no signs of lies in Seunglok's expression.

"Oh... okay, I'll bake them again", Haushuan said as he takes a deep breath.

"You don't have to gege, I'm not that hungry anyways", Seunglok lied but Haushuan knew he was lying and got out of the bed and towards the kitchen.

Out of panic, Seunglok ran after Haushuan thinking he might do something stupid, but to his surprise...

Haushuan really just wanted to bake him some cookies.


"I'm fine Seunglok-ssi", Haushuan said as they began the process on making the cookies...

But he still did it how he would bake it for Y/N, he still added sprinkles after everything else and then started to panic after he remembered that these batch were for Seunglok and not Y/N.

"Shh... it's okay, I like sprinkles too", Seunglok said as he took a bite on one and his eyes sparkled and his mouth in a wide smile.

"GEGE THIS IS SO GOOD WTF!!", Seunglok beamed, which actually made Haushuan calm down.

"Really?", He softly asked.

"Yes! Have you ever tasted your own creations?", The toplaner asked back.

Hauhsuan shook his head because he only baked the cookies for Y/N and never had one himself so he doesn't know what it tasted like.

Y/N was crying as they watched Haushuan taste his own cookies for the first time and how Haushuan smiled genuinely after realizing how good of a baker he truly was.

"Thank you so much Seunglok-ssi",
Y/N told themself as they felt so much in peace after seeing this heartwarming interaction between the two teammates.

"Y/N, time to go"

With tears streaming down Y/N's face, they knew it was indeed time to go, they know that Haushuan is safe with Seunglok and his other teammates, that now Y/N is so sure that Haushuan will be better and will move on.

"Thank you again Seunglok-ssi... Take care of him for me", They muttered beside Seunglok, even if they know that Seunglok won't hear them, it was worth a try Y/N thought...

But Seunglok did hear them, Seunglok just chose not to say anything but he already agreed to this before Y/N even said anything.

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