LPL: I'd score for you (WBG) ✨

68 5 0

Plot: Seunglok is a popular basketball player in his university, sure he is incredible, but his height and attractiveness were the main contributors to his fame... and then there's Y/N, a fan of Seunglok's... but doesn't really remember that they're his childhood best friend.
Pairing/s: Seunglok (Top) x reader
Genre: Angst/Fluff

Non-proplayer AU//

"And that's another point for the WBG Crusaders!! And another great play by Seunglok, as expected from the Captain!"

Seunglok felt even more pumped as he heard the cheers from his fans, classmates, and family who came to watch today's match, as he threw flying kisses to the crowd.



But of course, he got even more elated when he saw Y/N with their adorable sign and he didn't even notice how big his smile was.

"The 'S' in Seunglok stands for SEXY!",
Y/N's sign said.

Seunglok just gave them a wink earning more cheers from the fans.

After the match, Weibo Crusaders managed to sweep the game, with the scores having a 45 pt difference, which Seunglok was proud of.

"Great job team! Our next match will be against TES Scorpions. Let's prepare well!", He told his teammates as he gave them all well deserved pats on the back.

Their coach called them to congratulate them as well and they were headed back to their team bus.

"Oh wait, I can't go with you guys... I promised my mom I'll go home with them today, to ya know, celebrate", Seunglok said.

His coach just nodded and told him he could go.

Seunglok met up with his family and they brought Y/N with them.

"I'm sorry son, they still can't remember", his dad whispered to his ear.

As much as Seunglok's disappointed about that, he's not gonna let it ruin his day, and besides, they got loads of time left so he's sure Y/N will remember him...

He just hopes it's soon.

Seunglok's aunt decided to cook for everyone while his mom assisted her and Seunglok just went out for a bit to get some air.

"Uh hi"

He didn't need to follow the voice to know who it belonged to.

"Hey Y/N, how's it going?", He asked.

"Everything's fine, the project is coming along well", They said, a smile plastered on his face.

"Sorry I'm not able to help much", Seunglok told them.

"It's fine, my parents were willing to help and besides, you need to practice for your future matches", Y/N said.

Seunglok just gave them a sad smile and they were called by his auntie that dinner is ready.

As usual, Seunglok drives to school, his stuff at the backseat of his car while nobody is riding shotgun.

He leaves early and arrives at his school 20 mins early as well, Seunglok was never late, he was a very punctual man.

"OMG he's so handsome!"

"Is he still single? I wanna shoot my shot!"

"But my heart is already reserved for
Y/N", Seunglok thought to himself after hearing the second remark made towards him.

Seunglok absolutely forgot that today is Valentine's day and was absolutely shocked at the amount of flowers that were on his desk.

"What the flying fuck-", He lowly muttered and scoffed as he read the messages that were given with the flower... None of them felt genuine to him, it's like most of the people sending him this stuff would only want to date him for the fame.

"Oh hey Y/N, who's that for?", Jessica,
Y/N's friend asked.

"I-It's for Seunglok", Y/N answered, not expecting their friend to laugh at them.

"Daisies? Really? You think Seunglok would like your choice of flowers", Jessica said.

"Oh... his mom told me he liked daisies", Y/N said, feeling a little embarrassed.

Jessica didn't say anything else as she pulled them to their classroom.

Y/N found Jessica's actions a little bit weird, it's her first time to see her friend make fun of her like that...

And they're now gonna know why.

"Hey guys, Y/N over here brought Daisies for our dear Seunglok, thinking he's gonna like them AHAHAHAH I gave him Marigolds, which are a far more exquisite flower", Jessica told everyone.

Y/N wanted to cry right now as the person they saw as a "friend" the whole time is now treating them like trash.

"Shut it Jessica!! Daisies are my favorite. How dare you talk to Y/N like that, I thought you're friends", Seunglok remarked.

"I only became friends with her so I could get to you", Jessica admitted, which made Seunglok open his mouth in shock.

After class, Seunglok took Y/N with him and decided to spend time with them on a bench and watch as waves crash on the sea.

"Out of everyone yours was my favorite you know", Seunglok said.

Y/N tried to force a smile and muttered a small thanks.

"Aren't you... tired?", They asked.

Seunglok looked at them in confusion and let them continue.

"I'm supposed to be your childhood best friend but I can't even remember", Y/N sighed.

"Hey it's fine, you got into a severe accident, and it really boggled your head, so don't be too harsh on yourself", The boy answered.

Suddenly Y/N saw a spark as they pulled Seunglok with them to the nearest convenience store.

To say Seunglok was confused was an understatement but he just let Y/N take him.

When they entered, Y/N went to the drinks section and got Seunglok his favorite energy drink and went to the ice cream section to get his favorite flavor. Seunglok was surprised by this and smiled...

They were starting to remember.

Y/N paid for everything and gave the plastic bag to Seunglok.

"Y-you remembered two of my favorites", Seunglok said, a tear threatening to fall from his eye.

"I-I had an episode, it said those are your favorites so I... bought them for you", Y/N said, feeling a little proud of themself.

Seunglok gave them the biggest hug he could muster, his best friend is starting to remember...

This meant so much more to Seunglok than scoring a 3-pointer in basketball.

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