chapter 2.

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I looked at the calendar on my desk and touched the box that held today's date

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I looked at the calendar on my desk and touched the box that held today's date. It had been circled for several times now, with my red pen, blue pen and black pen. I had drawn over it several times, reminding myself not to forget today. I had even designed it with several stickers that I had found laying around at home. I could feel the compressions I had made on it using my pen. Today is finally the day. The day of the audition.

I had taken the day off today from school for the audition.I had been very jittery and fidgety since last night, my mother had come to check on me. I couldn't sleep at all. I had been waiting for today for weeks already and now, I just wished to get over it. I definitely hoped that I would fare well today.

I had decided to use Got7's songs for my audition today. It was the group that I was planning on joining anyways and it would make a better impression on JYP if I were to use his company's song since I wanted to join them.

I had learnt every step of their dance and tried to bring out the energy that they bought out. It was tough, trying to be a replica of Got7, a boy group when you are a girl. Some of the moves they had in dances weren't that applicable and easy to follow for a girl. It just like those swaying hips moves in girl dances, boys found that hard to follow as well. This led me to question my decision, would requesting to join Got7 be too much? Would my efforts be wasted just like this?

I mean, with all the hard work I had dedicated for this audition, the chances of getting selected should be high but me being so daring as to say that I would like to join a boy group, Got7 to be specific, wouldn't it overthrow the chances of me getting to the negative side of the scale?

I shook my head, in the same time shook away all the negative thoughts. Today wasn't a day to be feeling down and low when I was about to bring the happy energy in the audition. I checked the time, it was almost 10am. The audition will start at 1pm. I should get ready soon.

I got up from my bed, and started to dance for one more time in front of the mirror. I wasn't that confident of myself although I had practiced for over a million times now. I spent almost everyday after school at the nearby dance studio to practice and had gotten help from a teacher there. The teacher had been quite amazed by my skills, bringing my confidence up to a notch. I smiled slightly as I shook my head. I was pretty much broke because of this as well. I sent all my savings in renting the studio room for practice and the teacher's fees as well. It was so costly. This better be worth it.

I took a quick shower and started blow drying my hair. I decided to go for a more simple look today. JYP was a person that go for the more simple approach compared to the extravagant ones. Yes, I did my research. I had to impress him after all.

Chances of me winning this is so low. There are so many talented people in the world. They are not going to pick me. I don't have any other talents beside singing and dancing. Sure, I can rap a little but this is nothing special. Everyone can do this.

Mark Tuan, you are mine! (GOT7 || Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now