Chapter 75 The Survival of the Fittest Camp

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-What I want now is just a break from everything and you.

We went through the next few days by going to broadcasts, going on music shows and radio shows and everything.

My throat was feeling a little hoarse from all the singing,my feet were a little sore
from all the dancing and I was having a slight flu.

"Here Min Ae." Yu Gyeom oppa passed me
a glass of honey given by out fans.

"Thanks oppa. You are the best." I gave him a weak grin as I slowly sipped down the warm honey. Ah...It feels so smoothing.

Today was our rest day and here I was chilling with the other oppas in our living room.

Bambam oppa and Young Jae oppa were playing a few rounds of video games. Jin Young oppa was reading his book. He looked cute with that intense expression. He must be getting to the climax. Mark oppa was bothering him. Mark oppa was in one of his hyper moods.

Seriously,his hyper moods come out at all the wrong time. When everyone is lethargic and just want to sit down and say nothing,he starts to get hyper and keeps on blabbering. And when he is in the position when he needs to speak,he becomes all tongue-tied.

Weird right?

Jackson oppa,JB oppa and I were sitting on the sofa with our legs dipped into a huge pot of hot water. And because Yu Gyeom oppa sort of lost the bet with us,he had to serve us.

Well,I lost the bet too,but JB oppa and Jackson oppa said that they were
on my side so I got to chillax too. My oppas are yokshi the best.

Hoon was sleeping. He was beat from driving us here and there.Well,it was his first time being a manager.

"Go Young Jae oppa!" I cheered.

"Yah Min Ae why aren't you cheering me?!" Bambam oppa whined.

"Well,Young Jae oppa has the winning hand." I said with a cheeky smile.

"I told you that I will win!" Young Jae oppa smirked.

"It's not over yet!" Bambam oppa stated and started to findle with the controls seriously.

Silly oppas.

Ding dong! Ding dong!

We all looked at the door.

"Did anyone order anything?" JB oppa asked.

We all shook our heads.

"Who is it then?" I asked.

"It can't be our fans right?" Yu Gyeom oppa asked.

"A~~How would they know our address? Even if they did,I trust them not to come to our place." Young Jae oppa said.

Ding dong! Ding dong!

"Someone go check it out." JB oppa commanded.

But everyone were still in their seats.

"Isn't anyone going to go to open the door?" JB oppa asked but no one answered.

"Fine.Let's play rock paper scissors and the loser goes to open the door." JB oppa said.

"Do we need to play? It's obvious who the loser will be." Mark oppa said and smirked at me.

I looked away annoyingly.

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