Chapter 16 Don't be scared. I'm here.

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We went to ride the carousel next and a few more other rides. We had a few snacks on the way too!It was getting late but JB oppa insisted going on one last ride.

"Isn't this you guys?" I said pointing to an advertisement at the souvenir shop.

"Yeah yeah..It's nothing big." And Bambam oppa dragged me away. Actually up till now I still can't really believe that my once bias group was my best friends or brothers now.

"But where are we going exactly?" I asked JB oppa.

"Here!" He pointed to the ride with a gleam in his eyes.

"Yeahh!!" All of them were really excited.

"I haven't gone into these places before. Is it fun?" Bambam asked.

"Totally..But I don't really remember since I haven't been to one for many years." Yu Gyeom said.

"Min Ae.Are you excited?" Jin Young oppa asked me.

Oh damn it. The haunted house. The worst ride or source of entertainment ever.

"Can I pass this? I'm really afraid." I asked.

"No! Hehe! It is my dream to go into the haunted house with all of you guys. Are you really willing to hurt my poor heart?" JB looked at me sadly.

"Fine." I guess I will just close my eyes and walk through this as fast as I could.

"Come on let's go!!"


They entered the haunted house without waiting for me.

I walked to the entrance slowly. I took a deep breath and walked inside.


Yikes what's that sound? I jumped as I went inside. It was really dark and was decorated with lots of scary stuff. I am getting really scared now.

Everyone was in front of me. I quicken my pace and walked behind them.

There were many ghost and scary looking things in there. JB oppa, why did you want to go to this place?

Suddenly, there was a hand that grabbed me from behind.

"Ahhh!" I screamed. Shocked by my scream, the rest of them started to run away.

"Yahh..Don't leave me behind.." Tears were starting to form on my eyes. I ran to catch up with them.

"Boo!" Another 'ghost' came from the side. I screamed and grabbed the person beside me.

"I'm scared.." I said while hugging his hand. I wasn't sure who it was as it was really dark.

"It's alright. Don't be scared. I'm here." This voice. It calmed down all of my anxiousness and made me less afraid. Mark.....

I didn't let go of his hand throughout the journey. He didn't complain or say anything else but comforted me whether something scary came out. I felt really safe at the moment.

"Mark oppa! It is finally ending!" I said as I saw the door. I didn't dare to let go of his hand until we were outside.

"Min Ae..Ouch."

"Sorry Oppa." I let of his hand. His arm was red from my grip. I felt really sorry but grateful.

"Thankyou oppa!" I told him.

"It's alright." He said nonchantly. Aww..

"Min Ae, are you alright? You screamed so much while we were inside." JB oppa asked.

"It's all your fault. I was so scared!" I punched JB oppa's arm slightly.

"But isn't it fun?" JB oppa asked.

"Count me out next time." I rolled my eyes that were red and swollen from crying.

"It was so scary!!" Bambam exclaimed while he and the others came out.

We all agreed to not go to the haunted house anymore. Except JB oppa.


Isn't this you guys?" Min Ae asked while we were walking to our last ride.

I turned to her direction and saw what she was talking about-an advertisement of us. She is really a kid.

"But where are we going exactly?" She spoke again.

"Here!" JB pointed to the haunted house. I should have predicted this, this guy really loves them.

We went inside the haunted house. It was not really that scary, just average. Every now and then I would hear one of them screaming. Lol.

My hand was suddenly grabbed. Okay I was shocked now.

"I'm scared.." Oh it is just Min Ae. Her voice was quite hoarse. She sounded like she had cried.

"It's alright. Don't be scared. I'm here." I decided to comfort her. She seems to be really afraid.

She grabbed onto my hand throughout the journey. She would scream now and then and I would pat her head and tell her that everything is alright.

"Mark oppa! It is finally ending!" It's finally ending!!! My hands were really numb after she grabbed onto me for like 20 minutes. And her grip was really tight.

"Min Ae..Ouch." I told her as soon as we came out. I was about to tease her about how stupid she was to be scared of these things when I saw her eyes. It was really red and puffy. She must have cried a lot while we were inside.

"Sorry oppa!"

"Thank you oppa!" I was suddenly flustered by what she said and I didn't know why.

"It's alright." I looked away. My face was getting a little red from her "thank you." I eyed her from sideways. I felt really bad seeing her like this.

"Min Ae, are you alright? You screamed so much while we were inside." JB asked before I had the chance to comfort her.

"It's all your fault. I was so scared!" She punched JB. Stupid Min Ae!! Be angry at him just like how you are to me!

"But isn't it fun?" I rolled my eyes.

"Count me out next time."

We all decided to not go to haunted houses anymore. I was actually alright with it but after seeing Min Ae cry like this ,I joined the opposition party. Poor JB, being alone with no one supporting him. Everyone was tramazied by this incident. I don't think we will be visiting any haunted houses any time sooner.

I don't know why but I... really hate to see Min Ae cry...


Author's note: Did you guys enjoyed this chapter? I love it so much!!!! Hehehe!!! Mark was so cute and sweet when he comforted Min Ae right? Are you guys excited for the next chapter???? Hehehe!! Stay with me and till next time!!!

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