Chapter 39 Good night, my Min Ae.

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"What do you mean by sharing a room?" My voice was kind of raised up.I was shocked.

"She is a girl hyung and we are boys."Mark oppa was also shocked.

"We can't share a room with her!" Jin Young oppa said.

"Hyung!!Why didn't you get separate rooms?" Young Jae oppa said.

"Guys guys calm down. We can't get any extra rooms." Hyun Ji oppa explained.

"But she is a girl." Mark oppa said.

"We can't do anything about it. Sorry." Seung Hoon oppa said.

I groaned. I have to share a room with 9 men? This is really crazy.

"Let's just get in." I said.

"B-but" Bambam oppa said.

"There's nothing we can do about it anyways." I said and took the card from Seung Hoon oppa's hand and opened the door.

I looked inside the room. It was really pretty. With all the decoration and stuff. And there were only 3 beds. How were we going to sleep.

"We can just sleep on the floor and Min Ae can take one bed." Hyun Ji oppa said.

"Nono. Its alright. I can't let you guys sleep in the floor." I will really feel bad if they did.


"Oppa, it really is alright." Its nothing. They are family.

"She can sleep in my arms." Jackson oppa joked.

"Okay Jackson will be kept the furthest from Min Ae." Young Jae oppa said. We all chuckled when Jackson oppa argued about how I will sleep in his arms. I took my pyjamas and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

I took out my Japanese 101 book and tried to get it into my head while the rest was getting ready for bed.

"Smile Min Ae."

"Huh?" I looked up. Bambam oppa was taking a selfie with me unprepared. I smiled but it was too late. The photo was taken and I looked really weird.

"Oppa!! Delete that!"

"No.. I will just post it." He ran away. I went to chase him but he was really great at escaping.

"Bambam Min Ae." JB oppa said.

"Posted." Bambam oppa grinned.

"Haih." I took out my phone and looked at the post.

Min Ae is learning Japanese for you guys!

There was already a few thousand likes and few hundread comments. Haih.

I went back to the desk but was stopped by Seung Hoon oppa. We were to pick a randomly number to see how we will be sleeping. They joined the beds together.

I picked a number and I got 10. At least I'm at the edge of the bed. I wonder who got 9. I was about to go back to studying when JB oppa took away my book.

"Min Ae its late and you need rest. We have a fan meeting tomorrow." He said.

"No buts. Everyone in bed now. " He commanded us. I pouted and went to my side.

Mark oppa came beside me.

"Go to your place Mark." I told him.

"This is my place."

"You got number 9?"


I'm sleeping beside him? What??? Omo.. I slept on the bed cautiously and went to the extreme edge.

Mark Tuan, you are mine! (GOT7 || Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now