My TBHs and Thank Yous

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WOAH. Can't believe that I have finally, finally finished this book.

I finally actually completed something. Woah. This is fascinating.

Believe me. I didn't think I would finish this book. I didn't even think I would make it through the 20th mark hahaha!

So yeah these are my Thank You notes and some insights into the background of the characters.

Thank you Mark most of all for existing. Because without you this book would never have existed. I would never have to pull my hair out everytime I got a doze of reality that you are so far, I wouldn't have this had so much pathetic stupid fantasies about you which became the plot of my book. And I wouldn't have been so sad and depressed but what can I say? You made my life complete and you made me discover the path of an author and hence opened a new door into my meaningless life. Without this book, I would have spent my time meaningless. I would have just sat there and mop around without nothing to do. So thank you Mark, for exisiting and letting me fall so enthralled by you.

Thank you to you MTYE❤️ and all the readers, be it silent readers or what. Your existence, your votes, your comments made me motivated to continue this story. Without you guys, this story wouldn't have grown so much. I wouldn't have continued this story. It would have just ended with the simple first few chapters. So thank you guys for being my vitamin and energizer. Thank you so much for staying with this crappy author who only came up with  clichè plots and the suckish love

Thank you to my friends and family for their support, though I didn't tell my family about this.Special thanks to my besties for giving me their feedback though they are all so busy with school already and when they aren't interested in KPOP or
Got7 at all.

I guess Thank you all for being with me in this journey.

My TBH notes.

TBH, Min Ae's character is mostly adapted from my personality. So when you feel that she's weird and all, just to let you guys now. Yes. I'm weird and all too. So if you guys want to know where I get the inspiration for Min Ae from yes, I found it in myself. Her responses, her feelings everything came how how I would have reacted in some situations. Yes, I am afraid of ghost but no, I don't have the tendency to think that everything are ghost ( I exagarated that too much) and yes I have the worst of luck, be it Paper Scissors or rock Or the aeroplane game where we have to throw the dice to get a '6' in order to cast our plane to the runway. I seriously threw that freaking dice for throughout half the game before I got a '6' but when it wasn't the game, I get a '6' so easily. GOD? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!?!
Anyways, yeah, Min Ae holds lots of me, so this book is really special to me.

TBH I wanted to portray Mark as how Mark is but as the story grew, he became really different from his real personality but whatever. This book is like all of my fantasy and how I portrayed Mark is just like how my dream guy would be so yeah future bf if you want to date me read this book first to know how to get into my good books.

TBH writing this book gets worse and worse as it got longer, I lost the feeling when I first written it. It was perfect when I first started so I got pretty disappointed towards the end of the book. But still glad that it actually ended well.

TBH when I first started this book, I had the thought, I don't want them to break up. I don't know, I just feel that once a relationship is broken, there's no more point in continuing it. But the story started to get *yawn* boring, it was too happy so yeah, I became naughty and that scenerio came up into my mind so I just simply
added it in. Buahaahahaha. Sorry if I made you guys cry :(

TBH I actually had plans to write about Mark's birthday, Min Ae's birthday, If  you do era, their first win, the idol atheletics- Imagine how much more chapters that will give us- but it will  be too much and I wouldn't have any inspiration for my other books anymore so I guess those will be covered in Be Mine?

I gues that's all from this little author here.

IF there's any silent readers here, please do me a favour and vote for my chapters,comment and recommend them to your friends. TBH I'm desparate. I  want this book to hit 500k. That way I will be able to tell my parents :"Mom dad, I actually completed something and many people loved that something."

To be honest, I am a really useless person. I'm
irresponsible, I'm
selfish, I slack, procrastinated. Words like lazy, useless and happy-go-lucky and careless are words that assiociate with me.

I have never once completed something. So this book is such a huge feat for me.

To be honest, if weren't for the reads, the comments, the votes, I wouldn't have completed this book. Not at all.

I  have never once imagined that I will be able to complete this.

So thank you all for the support!

Please help me reach 500k reads! I will then tell my family about this book. And to tell them I wasn't up all night watching a drama, being lazy and just laying on my bed. I was actually doing something great. Something maleficent!

So now I'm going to really concentrate on What? And Be Mine? now though priority goes to Be Mine? as I really still have no ideas for What?

Thank you again for reading this crap.

Jigeumgaji Han Min Ae, Got7 immida

Goodbye Min Ae.

Goodbye Mark Tuan You are mine.

My MTYE❤️ family Thank you for you endless love and support!

| exo_kpop_oppa | Hayeorim | Rainyreynah | httlynn | Baekyeollie95 | RebeccaSunMei |

| samloveskorea | celine_cara | foreverAKTF | LovelyzSara | Wang_chang | Soominxx |

| EdenVillanosa | WiseSeaGirl | lovable-panda | bambam18g7 | Mahaoooe | _got7_ |

| kenzie_esther | beibei_ |adrflx |thee_kpopper97 |april428mark| ayesandarphyo |

|alinasaurus | lovxbymxsic |treetree_ |vncat14 | crazyxstupid |Bigbyung |enjixx |

|Kattizmeh |beliciabee | Haymalika2505 |xeferX | Mark_lover2 |Christybacon19 |

| skycloud456 | Jezsy_JL |Awsomegirlever | Igot7_bangtangboy |gotsevenfttt |

|thatone_storywriter |Byunbaek_Sehun |xlissaemma | fandom_struck_13 |

|heyouboo |SouKimSan | KookieKathy | animelover_890 | got7dabest |

| PoYadiMawTun | 4DAlienUnicorn | marmar_18 |

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