Chapter 5 An Unexpected Twist.

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-Life just loves to mess with everything.

"Did you guys hear about EXO's new song?" A girl in my class squealed.

"Oh my god. Chan Yeol was so awesome."

"No!!! Baek Hyun was better."

"No!! Channie!!"

I rolled my eyes and slumped on my seat.
That was what I will be doing.

If anyone in my class likes Got7.

"And Mark oppa was winking to me. Like OMG. My heart flew out from my chest." I cringed at the name Mark and turn towards the crowd that was talking about him. Ah Sarah.

She got obsessed after I asked her to pass a notebook to Mark oppa.

Not that I care or what, it was great that Mark oppa got another fan.

I sighed as I pull out my book and started to read it.

"Hey Min Ae!" Brooklyn pulled her seat and sat down beside me.

"Hey!" I said dejectedly.

"What's the problem with you? " She raised her eyebrow.

"Exhausted. Watched a drama till 2am last night." I yawned.

Then before I knew it,my eyes were covered by a hands.

"Kelvin Kwon!" I yelled and smacked the hands that were over my eyes.

I turned around and glared at him.

He was the guy that even though I don't want to be friends with,kept bothering me with his endless jokes and all. Not like it wasn't funny or what but it was pretty annoying.

"So how's the audition?" As soon as he asked that, my mood dampened. A lot. I refused to meet his glance.

"Shut up Kwon Won." Brooklyn hit him and he winced.

"So you didn't get in?Well,it's great that you didn't get in, I was so afraid that I won't have someone to annoy anymor-Ouch!" Brooklyn assailed him again then he ran away.

"Don't mind that guy. The results aren't out yet." She gave me beaming smile but sadly it wasn't infecticious.

I simply gave her a weak smile and curt nod. Thank goodness she didn't say much and class started soon.

After crying my heart out, my life returned to what it was like before.

School and home were the only 2 places that I frequented. Brooklyn didn't say much of the audition and was very considerate to be less chatty these few days. I was finally able to get my quiet time.

"Bye Min Ae!" Brooklyn said to me as we parted our ways after school. I waved back and took out my handphone.

It has been days since I had mingled with this little device. I put on my headphones and decided to get on with my life.

I sighed.

I can't just stop listening to Mark's voice after this little setback right? It has been days since I had heard it and I missed it so much.

Then again,remembering that little incident that happened between us before,I groaned.

Why must it be so embarrassing?

But at least I got a part of my wish granted. I got to see him finally and have a 'conversation' with him. I scoffed. Hilarious Min Ae. Hilarious.

"Ring Ring!" My phone's ringtone snapped me out of my thoughts. I glanced down at the caller ID and it was unknown.

Who could me calling me? Not many people has my number.

Could it be a murderer? A kidnapper?

But still,I picked it up out of curiousity.

"Hello?" I said in a puzzled voice.

"Is this Han Min Ae?" the person on the other line asked.

"Yes." So it wasn't a wrong call.

"This is JYP. Park Jin Young."

My phone nearly slipped out from my hand.

"Are you kidding me? Is the Kelvin?" I snapped. What a lame joke.

"Kelvin? I'm Jin Young. The director of JYP?"

"You sure?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be? You sure are one weird kid." He sighed and I nodded. Yep. Kelvin wouldn't talk like that.

He would be like-Dang! How did you know?

"So Mr Jin Young.What are you calling me for?" I said cautiously.

"Call me JYP please. Well what do you think I'm calling you for?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know?" It came out more of a question than a statement.

"After much consideration, we decided to pick you for the auditions. It is too much of a talent to waste. Congratulations for becoming a part of JYP nation and Got7."

"What?!" I shrieked. I pinched myself and verified that it was not a dream.

"So you don't want to join us?"

"No No No... Of course I'm more than elated and willing to join JYP and be in Got7. But I thought you weren't so happy about the idea?"

"That's your problem Min Ae! I just don't want a talent to be wasted. I will be more than willing for you to join another group but seeing how insistent you are, I decided to grant you wish. This is also a great way to get Got7 more up and rising."

"Wow.."That was all I could say.

"So when are you able to sign the contract? I have already gotten your parent's consent."

"It is possible to come over now?I am quite near the company."

"Sure! I will be waiting for you here."

When the phone call hung, I blinked my eyes several times. Is this really happening?

I quickly sprinted to the nearest bus stop.

"When is the next bus coming?" I said impatiently as I tapped my foot and glanced at my watch. Time could not be wasted. I do not want Mr Jin Young to change his mind.

And I still could not believe this. I am accepted! Wow.

The bus arrived and I hopped onto it in a haste as I pinched myself again.

This isn't a dream right?

I have no words to describe what I am feeling right now.

Edited on: 16/09/15

A/N : So how's this? Is it interesting? Wahahahaha.. Crazy flow I know. I tried to make it seem more natural but still..Yeah..

Votes and comments are pretty mich appreciated.

Love you.

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