Chapter 36 My first flight.

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Chech out my newly published book 'What?' (For Mark lovers it is a Mark fan fiction again)

Here's the link:

(If the link is not working go to my profile,you can see it there. Neomu Gamsahamida!!)

"So have you guys got everything?" Hyun Ji oppa asked as we reached our van. We all nodded and went up. I went to the back seat and was about to take out my Japanese 101 book to learn it but realised it was too dark and decided to put it back into my handbag.

"Min Ae,you look great in this outfit!" Young Jae oppa praised.

"All thanks to me." Bambam oppa smirked. I simply gave a shrug. I look okay I guess but I don't really like the pants. Too tight and its not really comfortable.

I looked out to the scenery as we went on road to the airport.

Hyun Ji oppa was right. The traffic was really bad. We were stuck for two hours already.

"Oppa, will we be late?" I asked. I'm really sensitive to being late. Plus, it was my first time on the airplane!! So I'm kind of excited. I had been too bothered with the packing and stuff just now that I did not feel the excitement until now. I could barely sit still.

"No Min Ae. We are quite near the airport now." Seung Hoon oppa replied.

"Really?" I looked out. I barely went to the airport-only a few times-and I don't really recognize the road.

"Totally! We can get there in 5 minutes." Bambam oppa said.

"Oh." I kept fidgeting. I really can't wait to get on the plane.

After 30 minutes, we finally reached the airport. Seung Hoon oppa went to help us check in while we waited in the van. The timing had to be right. We have to get into the boarding area just in time to avoid being 'harassed' by fans for pictures and photographs.

"Are you sure that there will be fans here?" I asked.

"Yeah. I don't know where they got the information that we are having a flight. Our IGOT7's are really zzang!!" Jackson oppa said. He was dressed in black from head to toe. The only visible thing about him is his head.

"Guys,we can go in now." Seung Hoon oppa called for us. I put on the mask and sunglasses although I totally don't know why we wear them. It only makes us stand out more.

"Will there really be fans?" I wondered as I got off the van. I stood behind Mark oppa.

We walked as fast as we can into the airport. As soon as we got inside,screams could be hear.


"Ahh!! Got7 is here!!"


"Oppa look here!!"

"Saranghaeyo oppa!"

Okay. Why wasn't anyone calling for me? Never mind it's alright. But seriously, how did they even get the information that we are going to the flight tonight.

We walked quickly to the boarding area to get our passports chopped. I looked around.

Wow. The airport is really decent. I totally did not have any memories of it since I haven't been here for like so many years.

Wow. There are so many shops, this should not be an airport. It should be a shopping mall.

My jaws were literally dropping from observing and marvelling at the airport. Hey! Don't laugh. It was sort of my first time here and NO I am not an idiot!!!

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