Chapter 84 The MarkAe ship is sailing

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We were bombarded with questions and 'Woo' and 'Ahhh' after the competition ended.

Apparently,everyone witnessed our small show of affection and was extremely shocked by it.

"MIN AE!! WHAT HAPPENED?  YOU GUYS ARE TOGETHER TOGETHER??!" Ji Min oppa came over with an epic face.

"Erm..We were engaged?" I answered while Mark oppa played with my fingers.

"OMO OMO OMO!" And he started running in circles.

"Why is he like that?" I asked Mark oppa.

"Cause MarkAe is just too awesome." He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

The others were almost mostly like them with most of them congratulating us, even Red Velvet,except Wendy of course, who was sending daggers to me the entire time. Well I was a little smuggish so I smirked at her.

The camp finally ended but it wasn't like we bothered to say our goodbyes. We were going to LA for KCON on the same flight anyways.

Except Jackson oppa. He was going to be sent into wild.

"Oppa! Take care of yourself okay?" I told him.

"Of course. But it is going to be so fun!" Jackson oppa grinned from face to face.

He had been really excited when he recieved the news. He was always one for thrills and excitement.

"But I'm going to miss Mark's family too..Tell them I'm sorry for not coming." Jackson oppa said to Mark oppa and he nodded.

"Bye guys!!!" He waved to us and walked to his flight. He was flying first before us. I was waving hardly to him and he laughed.

"I guess I got to go too now." Hoon suddenly said.

"What?" We all asked in unison.

"Well,my job here is done. I'm going to go travel the world again."

"But Hoon we don't have a manager." JB oppa started to say.

"Seung Hoon and Hyun Ji are at LA now waiting for your arrival. I'm going to miss you guys." He said and hugged us all.

"Hoon. Do you really have to go?" I pouted.

"Awww. Kiyeopta!" He pinched my cheeks then looked at Mark who was glaring at me.

"But your boyfriend will be really jealous." He smirked and we all laughed at Mark who was clearly embarassed by the statement.

"Just kidding don't be so tense bro. Take care of Min Ae okay." He winked at Mark and patted his shoulder.

"Sorry about the past. Are we good?" Hoon offered his hand and we all looked at Mark oppa expectantly.

"Yeah." He offered a small smile to Hoon and took his  hand.

Aww..What a rare MarkHoon moment. And I swooned internally.

"MIN AE WAKE UP!" I was shocked awoken to Mark oppa's screaming voice at my ear. I was sitted with Mark oppa during the flight and I kind of regretted.

"Can't you use a better way to wake me up instead of shouting in my ear?" I glared at him.

"How do you expect me to wake the pig up? I shook it so many times and patted it and called it already." He answered and I punched him.

"Ouch.." I muttered. Ish.

"See what happens when you hit me. You hurt yourself." He frown and pulled my hand to inspect it. He opened my fist and looked over it throughly. I looked at Mark and my heart started to race.

Mark Tuan, you are mine! (GOT7 || Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now