Chapter 28 Signing the albums. *sigh* I

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It was getting nearer to my debut. And every day I just get more nervous and nervous. How well will I fare then? Will the fans love me? Will I have more haters than fans?

The comments died down and no more articles were posted about me, so I'm not really sure how the response will be.

"Today you guys will be signing the remaked albums. You guys will get one each and here are also the Inkigayo tickets for your family." Hyun Ji oppa said while we were about to prepare to go out.

"So we won't be practising today?" I asked him while taking my set. It was only 3 more days to the comeback stage and I really want it to be perfect.

"To be exact,we are not sure when you will be able to practice. You guys have 10000 sets of autographs to do."

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"Its little already Min Ae." Jackson oppa told me.

Hyun Ji oppa brought in about 10 boxes of our albums and went away.

"Call me when you are done." He told us before he left.

"Oh my..How am I going to do this?" I can already feel my pained wrist.

"I'm going to buy the supplies we need,anyone going?" Jackson oppa asked.

I raised my hand. I really love outings.

"I'm going too. I need to buy some chocolate." Mark oppa said. Chocolates? Yeah. He is really such an addict.He has so huge variety of them in his backpack.

"I'll pass. I going to get some shut eye." Jin Young oppa said.

"Me too." Yu Gyeom oppa said.

"I'm going to catch up on my dramas and movies." JB oppa winked and went back to his room. He is such an addict for those. I wonder if he will be a nerd watching dramas all day if he did not become an idol.

"Young Jae and I are going to play games!" Bambam oppa said.

And it was set. Me,Jackson oppa and Mark oppa-The shopping trio.

I put on a pair of sunglasses and changed into a dress.

"Yah. We are not going anywhere. Why are you wearing a dress?" Mark oppa eyed me curiously.

"What? Dresses are so much comfortable."

"What do you mean by that?"

"It is easier to walk stupid."

"So that means you are too fat for pants?" He smirked.

"I'm not fat!" I whined.

"Stop guys. You both are so childish." Jackson oppa upbraided us. He's more childish himself. Hpmh!

We decided to take public transport since we don't have our van with us.

"It has been so long since I have been on a bus." I said while waiting for our bus.

"Me too." Jackson oppa said.

"Two idiots." Mark oppa said.

"Yah Mark Tuan!" Jackson oppa and I screamed only to get our mouths covered by Mark oppa.

"You two are really idiots. You want our fans to notice you are here?" He glared at us.

"Oh.." Jackson oppa and I said in unison.

Screechh..The bus finally arrived. I boarded it first followed by Mark oppa then Jackson oppa. It was really crowded and we had no where to sit.

I pulled onto the handrails while the bus travelled. Jackson oppa was far behind and Mark oppa was about a few people away from me. We had quite a few stops before the bus arrived at our destination.

Mark Tuan, you are mine! (GOT7 || Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now