Chapter 76 New FriendsOld Foe.

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We finally arrived at the airport.

Hoon went down first,followed by JB oppa,Jin Young oppa,Jackson oppa,Yu Gyeom oppa, Bambam oppa,Young Jae oppa,me and Mark oppa.

As we went down,we were bombarded with cameras and screams and cameras.

"Where are we supposed to meet the filming crew?" I asked Bambam oppa who was beside me.

"I don't know. Let's just follow them."

As we entered the airport,we were bombarded with the cold gush of air.

Ah...It feels so good.

"Where should we go?" Hoon asked. What to do when our manager was just as clueless as us.

"There!" I said,pointing to a where a huge mass of people were crowded. There should be it. I mean why would so much people be crowded there if not for their idols.

"Smart girl." Mark oppa said and ruffled my hair. I blushed a little.It was the first time him complimented me.

"Ahhhh!" The fans screamed and snapping sounds of the photos can be heard when Mark oppa patted my head.

Lol. Guys..He does it everytime..It's nothing special...

We walked to where the crowd was.

"Ahh!Got7 is finally here!" The host we met just now said and the camera started to film us.

"Come and get it. Got7 inmida! " We said our greetings.

Many were here but BIG wasn't yet.

"Sorry. Sorry. We are late." I heard Tae Hee oppa's voice from behind and I turned around.

Ahh..I kind of missed him.

"Annyonghaesayo! Big inmida!" Yo Sub oppa,Tae Hee oppa and Hyun Woo oppa said.

"Now that everyone is here. Let's go check in." The host said and we all followed behind.

"Yo Min Ae." Tae Hee oppa said.

"Yoo Tae Hee.. Oppa." I grinned.


"Nervous." I replied.

"Hwaiting..I got to go first. My members are in front." He said and gave me a wink and walk to join Yo Sub oppa and Hyun Woo oppa.

"What was that for?" Mark oppa suddenly asked.

"Greetings." I said.

We walked to the boarder and said goodbye to the fans for the last time before we checked inside.

"Chloe Han." I looked up.

"Mark Tuan."

After the scans,we went to the private lounge.

The lounge was pretty amazing..It was the first time I had been here. I looked around in awe.

Just as I was getting a 360 degrees view of it ,there was suddenly a hand on my head and my head was forcefully turned behind.

"Close your mouth idiot. A fly would go in." Mark oppa smirked and teased. I rolled my eyes and hit his arm.

"Ouch." He feigned pain. I double rolled my eyes.

All of the groups remained with their members. And the atmosphere was pretty awkward as we weren't close with one another.Well except Joy and her "husband" Sung Jae (Yes,I watch  We Got Married). The both of them were filming a small segment of  We Got Married with one of BTOB's member,whose name I obviously don't know.

Mark Tuan, you are mine! (GOT7 || Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now