Chapter 47 School II

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When we got to the cafeteria,it was pretty much crowded and buzzling.

"What do you guys want to eat?" I had to practically yell.

"Molla ( Don't know)Let's see!" Jackson oppa yelled back. We went to tour around the cafeteria to see what they got. Nothing special actually. I decided to buy some fried rice since I'm pretty hungry from skipping dinner and having a light breadfast today. I got my food and waited for the rest of the oppas to buy theirs and we went to an empty table.

"OMO. Could we sit here?" Wendy asked,obviously forgetting the incident from earlier. Well,the tables were all long and could seat up to 20 people so they sat with us.

"Wow. Min Ae aren't you afraid of getting fat?" Seul Gi suddenly asked me. I blushed for a moment as I was flustered by it. They were all just eating yogurts and fruits. Maintaining their figure I guess. I don't feel like a girl standing next to them.

"I am hungry." I simply answered while looking down at the rice. I WAS hungry.I suddenly lost all of my appetite.I looked at all the oppas. They were all busy talking with the Unnis. Even Jin Young oppa didn't talk to me. I felt a little hurt that they totally forgot about my existence. I went on to play with my food.

"Yooo." A hand came out of nowhere and waved itself right in front of my face. I was taken aback for a while and turned around to see who it was. Tae Hee.

"Go play by yourself Tae Hee. I'm not in the mood." I answered.

"Wow. You finally talked to me." He beamed and sat beside me with Hyun Woo and Yo Sub beside him.

"What?" I said coldly.

"Min Ae-ssi. I really apologize for my mistake during our first meeting. If I could,I would really want to turn back time." He seemed pretty sincere.

"I would pull my ears and beg if I have to." He looked at me in the eye.

"Do that then." I taunted him while trying to hide my smile.

"Uhhh. Forgive me uhh." He said to do his aeygo.

"Yah. Yah. Yah." I pulled his hand away from his ear. This was embarassing.

"So you will forgive me?" He asked.

"Sure." I said. He made my day. Totally. My appetite is back too. I took another bite of my rice.

"So you got left out?" He asked.

"Ani..Where did I get left out?" My eyes darted around while saying.

"Aigoo..You really don't know how to lie do you?" He pushed my head sightly. I simply smiled. He was pretty nice unlike our first meeting. I guess I was wrong about him.

"Yah Min Ae. Buy me a cup of hot tea will you?" Mark oppa called out to me. I turned to him with an annoyed look.

"I will get it for you." Wendy suddenly said. I was about to reject his request but seeing how Wendy wanted to do it made me not want to reject him.

"Unni,I will just get it.It will be really bad of us to let you get it." I smiled and went off to buy it without waiting for Wendy.

"Ish. That lazy pig."I put in the coin into the vending machine and pressed tea. While waiting for it to dispense,I drummed the machine with my fingers slightly.

"That's really unwomanly you know." Tae Hee said.

"Shut up." I stuck out my tongue at him. Why is everyone reminding me how unwomanly I am today??? Arghh..

I took the tea and walked slowly to the table while Tae Hee followed behind me.

"Need my help?" He offered to take it for me.

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