Chapter 14 Rides I

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I was led into the basement carpark to a black van.

"It's our car." boasted Jackson.

"Manager-hyung lent it to us." explained Yu Gyeom.

"But who will drive it?" I asked.

"Me." JB flashed a bright smile.

They were all really gentleman to let me up the van first.

"Wow!" I exclaimed. So this is how a celebrity's van looks like. There were so many clothes inside, all coloured assorted.

"Between events we might have to change our clothes so.Tadaa!" Jin Young oppa said as he came up the van next. He sat beside me. We were in the middle row.

Jackson sat in front with Bambam.

"Min Ae what do you think of our car?" Jackson asked me.

"It's kind of neat, for boys." I smirked.

"We cleaned it especially for you Min Ae!! It wasn't..." Bambam's mouth was covered by Jackson.

"Shush! You shouldn't tell these things to Min Ae, what will she think of us?" Jackson scolded Bambam jokingly.

Young Jae sat beside the drivers' seat while Mark and Yu Gyeom sat behind me.

"So is everyone on board? Kajaa!!!" Jb said excitedly. They must be so happy to go to the amusement park that even the always serious leader was acting like a kid today.

I put on my headphones and closed my eyes to get a few more minutes of sleep. Yawn..I'm really tired.

"Min Ae! We arrived sleepyhead!" Jin Young oppa shoke me hardly.

" shaking me I'm giddy!" I exclaimed. Jin Young oppa said nothing but gave me a mischievous smile. That brat..I was just about to give him a smack when Mark interupted us.

"Faster get off stupid."

"Yah! Mark!" Always calling me stupid.Even if I'm not stupid, I would have been stupid because of his reminder.

I was about to argue with him but he just gave me an annoyed look and gestured me to faster get off. Fine. I don't even bother to look at him and got off. Why is he so rude?

"Yay!! Lottee World!" Jackson was so escatic today.

"Let me bring you to all the fun rides today!" Jackson clung onto my arm.

"Ne.."I said dejectedly. How many times do I have to puke today?

JB bought our tickets and we went inside.

"Ahhhh!! The cups!! I want to goo!" And I was pulled towards that.

"I remember the time when we filmed Real Got7 and we set a mission, right Young Jae?" JB said with bleaming eyes.

"Yes. Hey guys why don't we set a mission this time too?" Young Jae suggested.

"Why don't we play rock,papers and scissors on that and the winner gets to smack the winner's head?" Jin Young Oppa suggested.

Damn..My head is definately going to get bruises, I suck at playing this type of games. I shot glances at Jin Young oppa but it was too late.

"Yeah Yeahh!" Bambam argeed instantly.

"This is going to be so fun!" Yu Gyeom said.

And my first level at hell starts.

We were separated into two groups. JB,Jin Young, Jackson and Bambam in one and Mark,Yu Gyeom,Young Jae and me in another group.

Mark Tuan, you are mine! (GOT7 || Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now