Chapter 91 Stop it heart.

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Calm down Min Ae. I slapped my cheeks slightly and took out a piece of paper.

I needed to sort out my feelings.

I needed to the rational Min Ae. I needed to be logical Min Ae.

I took in a breath and took out a pen and scrabbled onto the paper.

Why did I break up with Mark oppa?

Because I messed up.

Why did I mess up?

Because I got drunk.

Why did I get drunk?

Because of Mardy.

I scowled at the mention of Mardy but still continued with my mind map.

Why did Mardy happen?

Because Wendy likes Mark oppa and Mark oppa just couldn't reject Wendy.

I rolled my eyes. That idiot.

So what? So what if Mardy happened?

I don't know. I just feel hurt and betrayed seeing them like this.

Why do I feel hurt and betrayed?

Because I care.

Why do I care?

Because I like Mark oppa.

Why do I like Mark oppa?

Because I'm his fan.

And I felt a lightbulb lit up. Yeah. The source of all these troubles are just because I'm a fan. Yes. Ahh..I'm so clever. No wonder I'm in one the top three in school.

Maybe I shouldn't have dropped out of school. Being around Got7 just makes me stupider.

"Min Ae! Did you see the news?" Bambam oppa smacked open the door and yelled.

"You mean the one of Mark with Wendy?" I asked with my raised eyebrows.

"Yeah that! Wait..Why aren't you crying?" Bambam asked while I gave him a puzzled look.

"Why should I be crying?" I asked him.

"Because you like him?" He said and I sighed.

"So?" I asked and Bambam oppa ruffled his hair.

"Girls are so confusing. Shouldn't they be crying at this kind of situations? And I was wanting to lend a shoulder to you." Bambam oppa mumbled while I snickered.

"There's no need for you to act all superhero. I'm not your fangirl." I teased while Bambam oppa furrowed his eyebrows.

"Tsk." He pouted and I laughed.

"Guys. It seems that we have to go to the company. JYP hyung are looking for us because of that matter." JB oppa came in and informed us. I nodded.

"Are you okay? I'm sure that the scandal is not true." JB oppa gave me a sympathic look while I gave him a surprised one.

"Why wouldn't I be alright? It's nothing." I assured while JB oppa and Bambam oppa gave me weird looks.

"Min Ae has officially gone crazy." Bambam oppa muttered while running out of my room.

"What?" I chuckled and shut the door. My grin falling ever so slightly.

Cheonsimchayeok Min Ae. I slapped my face softly.

Yeap. I'm just a fan that's why I shouldn't care so much.

Yeap. I'm alright.

I laughed at myself and grabbed some clothes to go to the company.

Mark Tuan, you are mine! (GOT7 || Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now